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The world lies shrouded in darkness

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The world lies shrouded in darkness. Storm clouds blot out the sun over much of the earth, casting everything from traveler's camps to great kingdoms in an eternal shadow.

The winds die... stifling the air until it was still and dry as desert sand. With it, came a sense of lethargy and apathy, the inability to breathe draining anyone's will to complete even basic tasks.

The seas rage... churning up monster after monster from the depths of the oceans. Rivers spread like cracked webbing, sinking land and home into the unforgiving waters.

The earth decays... bringing down whole mountains and swallowing entire cities. Caves and canyons ripped through the world's surface, and down to its very core.

But the people believe in a prophecy told to the King of Cornelia by the Sage Lukahn, patiently awaiting its fulfillment. Desperately, they hope it will come to pass soon.

"When darkness veils the world,
And all good has come undone,
True horrors and evil shall arise,
And take claim what they have won.
But not all hope is lost,
Not all good is gone,
For when they're needed most,
Four Warriors of Light shall come."

After a long journey, four young travelers did at last appear... And in the hand of each was clutched a crystal. They answered the call that came to them all in a waking dream, and now stand before the castle of Cornelia.

 They answered the call that came to them all in a waking dream, and now stand before the castle of Cornelia

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I don't remember if I'd always planned for Final Fantasy 1 to be involved in the VGNU, I just know that FFVII was supposed to appear later down the line and when I decided to do at least the first one, I thought it was a good idea.

Unfortunately, like Ocarina of Time, I was in a bad headspace while I was writing it, so part way through I started tearing it apart. Hopefully, like Ocarina of Time, I'll do better this time around.

I definitely enjoyed my time playing the game, I wouldn't have included the story into the VGNU if I hadn't, but I'll do better this time around I think.

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