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Conner didn't take his eyes of Lumina, the ageless woman in red standing at the bow of their ship, but Ben still knew Conner was talking to him when he spoke

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Conner didn't take his eyes of Lumina, the ageless woman in red standing at the bow of their ship, but Ben still knew Conner was talking to him when he spoke. "Care to introduce us?"

"Lumina Tarke," Ben sighed. "I uh... stole something from her, a while ago."

"A powerful charm," Lumina added. "A charm attuned to the totem you hide beneath your tunic."

"You stole magic?" Conner scoffed.

Ben shrugged. "How else did you think I could run that fast?"

Conner laughed. "Alright..." He went back to being serious. "An old charm's a crummy reason for coming after us. What do you want?"

"To put an end to Chaos," Lumina reached into her pocket and showed them the glowing green gem. The same gem that had once belonged to Emily... "I am here to fulfill my duty, as the fourth hero of legend."

"As I said," Lukahn smiled. "There are no enemies--"

Conner had his sword at Lukahn's throat. "You knew." For a moment, Conner had finally just been angry. He'd dealt with his rage and fury back at the Levistone cave... but now that rage was back in full force, and Ben didn't feel like trying to reel him in this time. "Just like before, with Bruce. Matoya knew... She knew exactly what would happen! And now you. You knew Emily was going to die... and you said nothing!"

At that, Ava and Ben turned to Lukahn nearly matching Conner's rage. They didn't raise their weapons to him, but it was clear that if Lukahn tried anything they weren't letting him go easily.

"I did not know Emily would die," Lukahn corrected. "I saw in the end, four Warriors of Light... Whose faces I saw, I do not know. But when I felt her presence near, I knew she would be the replacement for the one you lost."

"She wasn't lost!" Conner dug the blade into Lukahn's throat. Not enough to do major damage, just enough to draw blood. "She was killed, because you power players refused to do anything yourselves! And every single time you string us along--!" He pulled himself away, driving his sword into the floor of the ship, startling everyone. Suddenly there was a calmness on his face, like he'd given up the fight already. Or rather, he realized what a waste of time it was to continue this pointless argument.

"Conner," Ava said quietly.

"Lukahn," Conner huffed. "Your job here is done. Get lost."

Silent, Lukahn eyed the back of Conner's head as the man had turned away. "... The world had fallen apart long before we came here. Do not blame us for only trying to survive in a dying world."

"If I had a fraction of your power," Conner hissed. "I'd have finished this already, and Bruce and Emily would still be alive."

"A naive sentiment." Without saying anything more, Lukahn regarded Ava and Ben, and took his leave.

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