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After the death of Bruce, the heroes had continued fighting in his name

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After the death of Bruce, the heroes had continued fighting in his name. Each of them took his death hard for different reasons, but they all put on a brave face. He had wanted nothing more than to finish this grand quest and save the world-- wanted it so much that he was angered any time their quest was stalled. He may not have always handled his outbursts well, but the other heroes understood his reasoning. No matter the circumstances, they all still considered him a friend, even if he didn't look at them the same way.

It was different with Emily.

They'd all known Emily was the most innocent of them. No great tragedy thrust her into this adventure, no criminal background or dark secrets. All she'd had was a sad goodbye that she didn't even know how sad it was until just before her death. All she'd wanted was to make her family proud, but they'd already considered her dead. Her hope and optimism were gone in the end, and she didn't even leave behind her gem.

With Bruce's death, they could carry on in his name... With Emily's death, their quest was over.

Now, even if they found the Wind Crystal, they would have no hero nor gem to save it. With Emily gone, there was no point in continuing.

Devastated and heartbroken, Conner, Ava and Ben buried Emily's ashes with her Mythril hammer. It was the only thing that had survived, all they had left of her. Not wanting to stay any longer, they returned to Crescent Lake.


This wasn't the time to argue, nor did the heroes have anything left to say anyway. They stood, bowed to the King, and left. Alone, King Winters and the Sage Sadda continued their council in private, one last matter to discuss.

"I have a task for you," King Winters said quietly. "There's someone I'd like you to find. Should the heroes fail..."

"I've already got my ears open," Sadda promised. "I'll send word should I hear anything."

This was nearly two weeks ago, and Sadda's search had taken him to the city of Pravoka. With monsters still in this corner of the world, it was difficult for the citizens to rebuild, yet still they kept up the struggle and the city's defenses were now as strong as ever. The knights at the gate had only stopped him for a moment to ask his business, but he assured them he would be leaving before he could cause any trouble and they let him pass. After all, they weren't about to argue with a warlock riding a dragon.

Striding into the city on the back of his low-bellied dragon, Sadda made his way to the shopping district. There, he sought out the little store in the farthest corner of the city. It was quite rundown, paint peeling and wood cracking. But for all the damage to it, it still held a certain charm. Nicely woven blankets and beaded jewels hung around the front of the store, drawing the eye away from the damage.

"You'll have to wait here," Sadda told Syldra as he climbed off.

Syldra chirped and curled up in the middle of the road.

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