excitement for meeting beloved family

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kagome was now free sesshomaru's fluffy tail and they were again going toward her father's castle as being told by her father.

((past conversation)

''father may I ask something"kagome asked her father curiously as sesshomaru ran beside kagome in her pace her father just lill ahead of her now looking at her slowing somewhat .

''ofcourse  you can my dear" lord shiichi smiled and said

''umm where are we going anyway" sesshomaru already knew the answer as he and lord shiichi have talked about it before,so he just listened to their talk.

"ahh dear daughter we are going to my castle because there are some things that you will need and also.." lord shiichi smiles and looked at kagome tenderly''i want to spend some time with my daughter after all I just have found just yesterday after all those long years and all are waiting for you at your home my dear you wouldn't wanna want your mother to be waited that long''

kagome smiled and nodded enthusiastically as the excitement of meeting her mother grew ten fold and they started running again in their fast pace"

(end conversation)

they were just going to arrive  at the castle but in the middle of their running kagome just collapsed dead on the ground but was saved by sesshomaru before she hit the hard earth ground . sesshomaru cradled her gently in his arms and examined her carefully to check what happened to her as lord shiichi came to stand beside and looked at his daughter with concerned look.

''I think she is getting tired soon because of her power settling inside her and must have not told us so as to not burden us at her weakness such a innocent child just like her mother '' lord shiichi said and sighed ''lord sesshomaru we should move now let her rest ''he smiled and started to move again toward his castle

sesshomaru still looking at kagome adjusted her in more comfortable position in his arms and wrapped his tail around her so that she may not catch cold in this cool snowy atmosphere then  started moving after lord shiichi with kagome securely warm in his embrace.

The castle stood just ahead of them as they neared it . they heard the loud shouting of someone and then the gates started opening up at their arrival .

they started striding inside lord shiichi castle . all the guards and the servants greeted them as per their status and all were curious too about the youkai that was sleeping in lord sesshomaru's arms . they knew if anyone even dared to touch his person then that being would be killed without any negotiation . but they kept their mouth shut cause they didn't wanted to killed just yet by questioning the high lords about their things.

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