the awaited battle Finale

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The war was upon them ,all the lords are standing firm ,their armies just waiting for the order to launch attack ,the group of  6 minus 1 child who had been together for so long to fight that enemy beside the darkness  just standing there and strengthening themselves .

the day getting dark minute by minute as the darkness came near with thunder and black clouds surrounding all around .
there as in a startled way came a very crude laughter of that vile creature.and they all would have shivered if not for the firmness that now surrounded on everyones heart.

First came the demons thousands of them ,mixed with naraku’s army.all had red eyes swirling with so much hatred and malice that could turn a child to gooey. Then the earth shook and from the sky itself came that hated being with his black wings .he was truly a dark lord

His eyes fell upon kagome who was standing with her mate to be and smirked evily.’’so is that lill angel who will be my destruction ‘’cruel laughter’’the gods sure have gotten weaker these past decades’’

Kagome growled at him angrily and her aura swirled around her strongly that had the eyes of that demon from hell  widening and then smirk more viciously as h looked upon kagome lustfully
‘’let us commence then shall we? the sooner the better ‘’the dark lord said he shouted the order and everyone in his army lauched attack

The lords gave the order too as kagome’s team ran to attack too.
All  where was the fighting going on,blood & guts spilling around  a very gruesome scene.the sword , the attacks swinging here and there. The death spirits were having problem to take the souls of every dead being as there were too many of them being slain constantly.

Kagome heard a roar as she looked and sensed sesshou transforming in his true form . he was magnificent and killed every being that stood in his path .his eyes trained on the monster who was in the air enjoying the show but not for much longer.
As kagome and sesshomaru who has again turned in his human form neared him and attacked him.
Kagome used tesshu rezei  her sword given by the great ex demon lord and summoned its power and sesshou used bakusaiga.

Daishi looked surprised but composed himself and disappeared before their attacks could touch him and laughed wickedly as they both came to the stop.both with the scolding faces as they looked at him upward in the sky.

‘’hah if that is all the power you poor creatures have then get ready to soon meet your demise ‘’he snarled and launched an attack on them but they both too when together that no being just could mess with as they reflected his attack .
They continued fighting for a while like that only

Where on the hand ,inuyasha and his team was fighting naraku with all they have,with kurama and urameshi helping them.
Suddenly inuyasha turned and saw kikyo on the edge of the forest and watched with wide eyes as she also helped them get rid of the demons and he smiled in relief but his relief was short lived as he was attacked while he was looking to the side and came crashing to the path that kikyo was on.
His companions shouted his name as he embraced himself and tried to reflect the attacks from the tentacles of  naraku . hopefully kikyo formed barrier as he came to the halt inside and looked at kikyo in thanks but she just looked coldly at him and then back to their enemy.

Sighing softly inuysha too looked to naraku and straightened his back. As soon as the barrier cam down ,they both again launched themselves in the battle.
Kaname , lord shiichi and lord ryu with their were fighting with the hell demons general post kind and were having success in their hands with having to defeat them.
Where lill tomoe was sitting  at the distance and shooting  with a big gun at the village approaching enemy.with lill shippou on his side and also helped by uh ah and jaken .

{Back to kagome sesshou}

They had been fighting for 8 hours now
Kagome had started panting a little,her body filled with cuts and scratches ,sesshomaru saw this and tired to put less burden on her as he opposed daishi .
‘sesshou I need just a lill time ok and I will fine’ kagome said with her mind link to sesshou.

‘ok kagome’ replied sesshou. As she started getting her reserved power to her body while her body glowed dark pink for a second and then it was gone and now stood the  kagome who is perfectly fine with no harm.
‘this has to end soon we have to do something . I am sure my friends have started feeling weary too ‘she looked at daishi and saw for the first time the concealed shikon jewel inside his body.’oh my he is using the shikon.’

Well not for long’ she raised her hands and awakened her power of the miko and summoned the jewel. She saw as daishi got down his knees and screamed as the jewel ripped his body and flew toward their protector .

He snarled and got to his feet and drew his inside dark powers as his wings again grew up and a poison like dark gas surrounded and he transformed in his true demon form that can be named as the most hideous and ugly creature in the world.
One cannot just look at him and not puke but aside from that he could also be considered the world’s most evil being .

Kagome had her eyes still closed as she focused on the jewel only and met midreko . she told kagome that jewel was her power only and would always stay with her inside her body and that she have to protect it always. She thanked kagome for freeing her soul her soul as kagome purified the jewel darkness and jewel melted in her body.

She opened her eyes and everyone saw her eyes were not blue but white at the moment. Huge white wings came out her back as she flew and faced daishi.
They attacked eachother  in such speed that was unmatched by anyone but sesshomaru but he knew better than to interfere as he just watched and killed the remaining demon approaching him.

Soon a huge blast can be felt as the power swept through many range of the ground destroying everything in its power .everyone was only saved as they flew to the sky with the help of those who could fly .but remaining who were caught shredded to pieces.

Tomoe and the village was saved because of the kagome’s barrier around it only.
Everything was still as they held their breath and saw the light surrounded the sky instead of the darkness and the enemy knew their leader is dead .

Sesshou saw a white being coming down straight to ground and moved with the light speed and caught his mate as he held her tight

### finally the awaited battle not much and hope u all like it ~ lol I think I wanted more weaponery fighting but alas I m being an idiot and thinking of finishing this story at last with one chap remaining now :3

#thanks for all the votes,comments and messages ^^

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