AT Mördern era Part II

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''Sesshomaru I need to go to the market and buy something's would you like to go with me? '' kagome said looking at sesshomaru
''hn ''sesshomaru replied in his

Even if sesshomaru had just said one word kagome could understand him fully as being with him all this time she had doing her best to decipher the rock that was this demon lord not from the moment she got to know that she was his mate to be but from the first time they met each other and now that she is in her youkai form she could feel his emotion
Kagome grinned and ran to her room fast to change and when she came down she facepalmed her face as she looked at sesshomaru's clothing 'she can't take sesshou in his demon lord appearance outside and her included. Oh how easily she forget she wasn't human anymore 'sigh'
''sesshomaru do you know any spell that can conceal our demon heritage?? and you need some modern cloths hmm I think my human father's cloths may fit you ''kagome said checking out sesshou's form {sesshomaru's name a lill big so as a nickname for him I will be using sesshou ^^}
Sesshou made a face at having to cloak his true form well second true form {don't forget the big bad inu form XD} but then looking at kagome had him change his mind ofcourse he can't refuse her
Sesshou muttered something as his body glowed and in a puff he changed to what could be considered as a very very hot human model that every girl on this planet would drool upon .He lifted his hands and rubbed them over kagome's demon marks as they disappeared too

''ahh its done right I wanna see it ''kagome jumped to the mirror in the drawing room and saw her once human appearance and looked over at her shoulder to sesshou's human form and like every girl she drooled ofcourse haha who wouldn't but she composed herself and walked to her father's once used room and came out with several cloths that would suit sesshou

''try them out sesshou and let me see then okk''kagome said while giving sesshou the cloths and instructed him how to wear them while blushing as she explained thefunction the zipper and how to close it

They both came to her room and sesshou walked to her bathroom to change. He tried every piece they weren't really his size but one was just fitting enough that was the shirt which was of black color and the paint also of the black and when he came out wearing that kagome had use her hand to keep her mouth close as for the moment it was wide open from his display

''umm err wew you are looking hoo.. awesome sesshoumaru''still in awe kagome shuttered and had her face upto the neck all red in color
Sesshoumaru smirked ''why thank you my dear ,I am pleased to know that''
''err yeah anyway lets go'' kagome said and zoomed out of the room. At that sesshomaru laughed out loud and followed her down
'bye mom I will be going then''
''be safe dear '' her mom said

They were both in the buzz ling market and trying to drown out all the smell and noise they would hear with their acute senses and finally kagome thought it wasn't a good idea to come here after all

And so they hurried to buy whatever she needed but unfortunately as they turning to go away ,they heard kagome's name being shouted .they stopped and kagome sighed knowing who have called her
''kagome is that you?? Wow it is I heard you have moved from her at school''eri her friend from her ex high school said

''your mother said you had moved to America to complete your studies'' ayumi said

''yeah you know hojo had been visiting your house to know about most of the time''yuka said
The three just rumbled on and on with kagome having no effect of calming the three and didn't notice who was standing beside kagome until sesshomaru smirked and asked kagome''love would you like to introduce your friends?''
finally saving kagome from more tension that was sure to come if her friends kept going like that and in the middle of the market at that too where every girl was staring at sesshomaru frustrating kagome more and more
''yes kagome who is your friend here?''ayumi said dreamily as she was looking at sesshomaru too in a daze with her two friends
''err yess he is sesshomaru taishou he is my umm fiancé ''kagome replied nervously as she chuckled and grew red in the face

''and sesshomaru these are my friends ayumi eri and yuka ''she introduced them to him
''hn''ofcourse he would say that kagome thought while laughing inside

''wow kagome you have such a hot fiancé and whatever happened to that two timing boyfriend of yours?? ''ayumi inquired
''yes and did u told the poor hojo about it??''yuka asked

''and can I know how did you two met and fell in love''eri asked while gleaming

These questions were making kagome made but she calmed herself and patiently replied and glared at sesshou as he was just standing there looking like a curious cat at all the questions her supposed to be friends asked

''um inuyasha and me are over you see and hojo why do you think I need to explain myself to him ?? I was not his that I have to answer to him'' kagome said in a mad voice making all her friends sweat drop

''ahh kagome don't be mad we were just asking ok ''ayumi said in a nervous voice afraid of kagome
Sesshomaru leaned down and said sweet words in her eyes to calm her down . her aura were being a lill too restless that could dissolve her spell if she become more angered

The girls saw this and swooned with moe moe flowers at the couple
''aww you guys are cute together''yuka said as she giggled

Kagome blinked and blushed tomato red''umm thank you I guess anyway girls we have to go now meet you all later'' and without waiting for the reply kagome pulled sesshou with her to the exit as fast as they could go
''damn why we had to run to each other like that ''kagome whispered in a hiss

Sesshou gave her head a pat to calm her down but did not said anything as they walked to whatever kagome wanted them to go
They came to the park which was the place where the horried smell and noise of this world was not much and just strolled around quietly around

They both were relaxed there and as the sun set and stars came out to twinkle they decided to return home and spend last time with kagome's family as they were going tomorrow

### ahha finally written one hehe hope you like it ^^ and for not writing for so long u all know about that my 1st exams just ended and I am soo happy with them hope for the other upcoming exams to be like that too and yeah at last CHRISTMAS IS COMING PEOPLE ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!
#thank you all for staying with my story and your comments and votes and messages I appreciate them all ~

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