a surprise and demon powers

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((previous story ***demon training of kagome***))

morning started with bright sunlight descended upon the the parallel world . kagome , sesshomaru and genkai were standing near a god like tree. the tall god tree the only tree in this world that is this big . its leaves soo bigg some kind of aura could seen flawing around them.the shape of the tree itself was soo elegant .

they were asked to wait for someone by the head God . a trainee will be coming today for teaching kagome about the demon powers and strengthen her powers too.

there came a twirl from the winds for just a moment and then came a thunder sound from the tree. and then it split up open its trunk . there someone could be seen walking toward them . the figure was just a shadow at first but after some min when it got closer. a tall man could be seen his face not visible yet but his height could be seen.

and there he came out then. in all his glory stood our Ino-no-taishou, the great inu youkai.

sesshomaru's eyes widened and became cold. kagome's breath also stopped for a moment but genkai was calm as ever.

taishou sama stepped out from the tree's trunk. he now stood infront of them. no  sound could be heard for three four minutes except the winds.

then he spoke , the great inu youkai ''long time no see my son''his eyes fixed on sesshomaru as he smiled 

sesshomaru's eyes become more cold as if he was converting into a very different person now

''yes father''but still he spoke respectfully  and bowed too but spoke  just only in two words. 

taishou sama then saw genkai and kagome.

''pleasure to meet you lady genkai and kagome. i m Inu-no-taishou ''he bowed to them in greetings 

kagome's breath returned normal but still she was worried about sesshomaru .

''the pleasure is all mine my lord'' kagome and genkai both said one by one

''now you must know why am i here don't you?''Inu-no-taishou questioned

''yes i do know taishou sama we just have tell kagome and sesshmaru about that''genkai answered

''ohh i see soo sesshomaru and kagome let me tell u both why m i here. i m here to train kagome in her demon powers. the Gods have asked me to come here.''

''ohh i thank you my lord''kagome smiled a lil and bowed

''no need to bow kagome child. you do remember me right? we don't need to be that formal ''taishou sama smiled gently toward kagome remembering kagome's child form and her playful ness

''hai i do taishou-san''kagome smiled too also remembering when he played with her and sesshomaru.

''now do we start your training kagome?''


as she turned around to go toward the clearing again sesshomaru stopped kaagome

''kagome i shall not be joining you  in this training. i apologize.''as he spoke his voice hollow and his eyes pained. this broke kagome. she never had seen sesshomaru like that.so when sesshomaru started walking away from them. she also followed him.she first turned around toward genkai and taishou sama and said that she would come soon .

sesshomaru knew kagome was following him but still he kept walking . his thought and mind filled with the bad memories of his father. when he abandoned him and his mother to go to his lover.

they both stopped in a another beautiful clearing. sesshomaru sat down there and kagome too sat down after a sec.they were silent then 

''sesshomaru its okay''she said in a gentle voice looking in his face .

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