moment together

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sesshomaru came a cave which was protected by a very powerful barrier and he knew who had created it.

''lord shiichi '' he worded out from his kissable lips as he saw lord shiichi coming near the barrier and behind a very beautiful demoness that was his love. <description in past chapters>....

'' lord sesshomaru you are on time my boy''shiichii said as he lowered the barrier and came out of the cave

''hn'' sesshomaru said absent mindingly as he stared at kagome in daze .noticing kagome's beauty as she has transformed in her youkai form. kagome came out and stared at sesshomaru with very happy and loneliness look in her blue eyes as they haven't seen each other for a while.she was sad at that but he is here now she smiled at him happily.

shiichi saw this and took hold of kagome's small back by his hand and forward her gently infront of him.

''my boy it is time i think for you both to be together this long time . and don't worry of the enemies anymore with her being in her true form there are no trouble anymore. she can manifest her full strength in this form safely. we just need to train her now.''shiichi smiled ''i guess i will let you have your alone moment now hehe'' he turned around and walked away

sesshomaru and kagome did not heard what he said but just stared at each other dizzily. both started to move toward each other until they were just a finger away from each other . there lips almost touching and their breadth mingling with each other. both were remembering there past. of what they shared . there hugs their laughs, there games, their jokes, every moment of theirs they remembered . kagome didn't knew from where she was getting these memories and these feeling from but she was in daze sesshomaru was only thing in her dazzled mind right now. sesshomaru was also remembering there past but the pain he felt when he was away from her. the everyday longing. the comfort he wanted at his time of need that she can only give. the love he have for all was coming out in this dazed moment. as they were moving toward each other , there came a twitch sound and there , kagome got her consciousness back . she then looked at sesshomaru blinking and blushed a apple red colour. sesshomaru sighed and saw she lost all she remembered by looking into her eyes and realized that it will take time for her to remember completely.

both stepped back a step. with kagome feeling scared and sesshomaru feeling sad.

sesshomaru moved near kagome and rested his hand in her left shoulder.and rubbed her shoulder gently. he saw as she flinched and remained there not moved

''my koi don't be scared of me. i promise to not harm know me better now don't you''sesshomaru smiled

kagome was wide eyed as she saw sesshomaru smile. it was real not like when someone is going to die a very terrified death but a very sweet actual smile. sesshomaru never saw emotions but as she thought about the past three months when she meets him at night . she realized , sesshomaru does show emotions ,she had seen a small lift of his lips sometimes in their together time.

kagome smiled and calmed down''i apologize sesshomaru i m just confused this is too much on my small poor brain to take in one day'' she laughed

then the most unbelievable thing happened, sesshomaru was such a sweet and beautiful sound in the could daze anyone in that moment if they heard it and that's what happened to kagome. she was hypnotized .she just stared at his mouth and thought how sweet.

sesshomaru stopped and saw kagome staring at him , particularly at his mouth he smirked

''kagome '' he said sweetly and teasingly ''like what you see . do you taste it too''

''huh'' was her incoherent answer as she came out of her moment she again blushed very sweetly as her scent spiked

sesshomaru touched her cheeks '' how beautiful''and bend down to take a sniff onto her raven hairs'' how sweet smell'' then he moved to her left ears as he bit her ears and licked her''and how tasty my koi''

kagome was shocked and was perfectly still as she enjoyed what sesshomaru doing to her . she let out a small moan of pleasure .

sesshomaru hugged her and sighed''soon my koi you will fully be mine i have waited enough now'' he said in her ears arosingly. they stayed like that for long .kagome didn't struggled at all as she was completely at peace to just stay there . kagome sighed dreamily as she snuggled closer to his warmth and fluffy tail. sesshomaru was finally a happy man who finally have his soul mate with him. he felt kagome fatigue from her developing power and knew it will take a whole weak for her powers to be settled down and unite .he picked kagome up as she yelped in surprise

''ssshh it ok my koi . you need rest . sleep now'' kagome nodded and yawned

sesshomaru looked at her .as she closed her eyes and fell into her lala land.he bend down and pecked her on her lips and smiled at her

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