i love you

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Kagome thought she  had died as she was just floating by and not feeling anything but then she felt as if someone was touching her head one by one as to saying they are grateful to me  and then there was a striking warmth and as she opened her eyes and light pure white light as it faded slowly and she could see clearly where she was . the room she was in she remembered as it was her own only when she was just a child. someone moved in the shadow and came in front of hers. It was sesshomaru and he was looking at me in such warmth and glow that I melted instantly inside.

I tried to sit up but found I could not I felt so weak I couldn't even move my finger. Sesshou came forward and had me calmed down and growled softly.

she was soothed by this and slowly she fell asleep again .
Sesshou looked at his angel as she slept and got into the bed too and inside the covers then wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled to her.

he was so worried for her these past days ,she hadn't woken for almost a week now but she did finally and he was glad that he was first one to find her awake.

Now that the threat is gone, they could finally live in peace but still there is one sad news that she had to know about .sigh he almost didn't want her to find that now but it was important for her. he promised himself that he would tell her himself in the morning.

{morning in lord shiichi's castle}

Kagome snuggled to the warmth near her and nuzzled it without any awareness about whom she was doing that. She felt hands around her wait as they rubbed her arms and warm breath upon her forehead.She moaned as lips pressed near her lips and something wet licked her chicks. she bolted to her feets to that and almost screamed but before she could she was pulled down and kissed deeply.

The kiss lasted for a moment and was broken soon as air became sufficient to have but those didn't pulled away ,they kissed down her jaws and then her necks moving slowly on her pulse point that aroused her thoroughly and then they rested on her collarbone.
She didn't knew why she wasn't resisting but somehow she knew the aura that was with her doing these sinful things.as they finally pulled away,she saw bright happy amber eyes looking at her and those smirking lips looks so delicious at the moment.and finally became aware as she came down to earth from wherever she was .

She blushed red as she saw sesshomaru licking his lips and looking at her lustfully as if he wanted to devour her whole right there and then.

''err umm sesshomaru good morning''she said in a nervous and daze form

''good morning my love''sesshomaru smiled as he relaxed his feature and cupped her face in his hands

She leaned into them and almost fell asleep again but he awakened her saying he have something important to her tell so she should freshen up and meet him here only before going out.

She nodded noticing his serious voice.
She came back to her room after waking herself fully and sat down on the chair beside sesshomaru who was silently staring at the  untouched food plate that was probably for her .

''sesshou what is the matter? Everything is alright right??''kagome while chewing her lower lips  in her mouth drawing blood in her nervousness. Fingers rubbed her lips as the bleeding stopped and sesshoumaru then looked at her .

''kagome I know you would get hurt after hearing this but know this that we all are here with you okay ''sesshou said in a warmth filled voice but still filled with dread.

''kagome the well has been destroyed ,it happened when you gave that demon the last blast ,I don't think it has power anymore or maybe a temporary lapse but  you cannot go back to your human family anymore.''sesshou finished awaiting the worse

Kagome was stunned no that couldn't happened her they were  gone her  mother brother, her grandpa noo'she shaking and her tears fell as she screamed no and no again and again Sesshou had since long taken her to his lap and now  growling softly for her as in soothing manner . she calmed down after some minutes and hiccupped .

''don't worry my kagome you will meet them again someday just be patient with me''

Smeling all these sadness had all her friends instantly come to her room and that scene.

And they all understood what had happened ,they said nothing and left the couple alone for a while.

{after one month}

All was normal again ,sesshomaru had taken kagome to this castle where they had mated in a week and with rin ,tomoe and shippou staying there with them like one big happy family.

Kurama and urameshi have returned to their world and promised to meet again.

Sango and miroku are going to wed soon.and have decided to restore the demon slayer village with sango's brother finally with them after freeing himself from naraku's clutches.

Inuyasha is finally happy as he travelled around the world discovering new things as he finally settled things with kikyo and moved on when she died again giving her soul back to kagome again.

Kaname have met a beautiful panther youkai and is now planning to court her .

Kagome's family finally have peace as they  live a peaceful with no children to worry life that every parent want someday but still once a parent always a parent and they will always worry.

And the well 'well it was built again but its powers still had not returned but kagome had a feeling that it will as it is still a very much a mystery .

Sitting on the soft green grasses below the cherry bloosum tree and beside the koi pond lay the beauty with her eyes closed as she smiled in a gentle way.she felt a presence sitting beside her and laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

''what are you thinking mate?''asked the demon lord

''just that how happy I am that I found you and my peace''she replied to her mate as she yawned

''hn you are sleepy''stated the stoic but gentle lord in amusement

''haha I guess I am''replied the miko as she was picked up and brought inside the castle as they both got into the bed .

''I am glad to that I found you too my love my mate''he said lovingly

''I love you sesshomaru''she said as she hugged him close

''and I you my kagome'' sesshomaru smiled as he kissed her forehead and they slept while dreaming of eachother only

##super duper end XD wew such a long journey for me it has been.hehe my first ever completed long story my!! Long stories are seriously difficult to write if you are not focused enough hehe anyway I am very very happy right now that I completed it wow :3 I thank you all who has been with me and patient enough to not scold me when I stopped writing for a while but all well if the end's well right????

Anyway byebye for now and again thank you from my heart~ and I would like to thank you sesshomaru kagome and all the characters in my story as they have inspired me to write about them  and finish this story 😊😊😁😁

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