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after the teary meeting all sat down to have dinner. kagome and her onii were talking about their childhood that they shared.

''so dear kagome do u remember everything about ur childhood yet?''

''hai onii chan! i do! but not all yet i think there are still very important memories that i have not remembered''kagome said while thinking about those memories

''hope u remember them soon then lill sister'' her brother kaname said smiling sadly.

''why do u look sad onii''

''ohh its nothing imouto chan i m just worried about u thats all''looking in concern toward kagome her brother said.

''i m all fine ne~ see''kagome smiled widely

''haha u still behave the same imouto u haven't changed at all''kaname grinned and patted kagome's head from across the table.

''really!! hehe'' kagome remembered a scene from her past where she was running behind kaname , both laughing loudly ,she caught kaname and sat on his back , playing horse  ride then .

''kagome u there ??''kaname waved his hands infront of kagome to bring her back to earth

''huh!!? ohh sorry i guess i m day dreaming a lot today ne~'' kagome laughed while scratching her head in embarrassment.

''well u r just getting your memories back dear so it is normal''lady shizuka looked at kagome and smiled

''guess u r right mother''

then suddenly kagome remembered something that she wanted to ask her mother badly

''mother i wanna ask something''

''yes kagome?''

''mother who is the painter of all these amazing paintings??''

all the members at the dinning table went still as a stone except kagome wondering wht is wrong with them 

''kagome so u do not remember who is he?''lord shiichi asked

''no father i can't see his face in my memories''

''kagome koi how about we talk about him later'' sesshomaru said anxiously 

''but why sesshomaru? why not now? who is he? is he someone close , a relative? why r u all behaving like this? whts the matter---aaammmhhh'' kagome questioned simultaneously not stopping at all  until her brother laid his hand on her mouth to silence her 

''kagome slow down!!'' kaname was laughing while he subdued her mouth by his rather large hands

kagome glared at her brother and apologized after kaname removed his hands

''its okk dear ''lady shizuka assured kagome 

''and we will tell u about him lill one''lrd shiichi said

''kagome he was ur big brother, older then kaname . his name was katsuragi. and he is dead now''lady shizuka was looking down and crying silently. while lord shiichi was telling kagome about her biggest brother katsuragi

kagome was shocked to silence. her eyes big ,unblinking , sad, hurt, her mouth wide open. 

her memory lock was finally opened by this lill mystery. all the memories were rushing to her like a bullet train.she remembered her brother his paintings his kindness his Godlike form, all of him.

then she remembered the most horrific day of her life. HER BIGGEST BROTHER DEATH!!

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