Genkai-the spirit master

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they were all done eating now. lord shiichi came to kagome 

''kagome dear now its time we greet ur sensei she will be the one that will be training u. and dear i have to tell you something she is not a God but a spirit master . your miko power need to be strengthened so the Gods have asked that spirit master to help you with your power. she may not be a miko but she is a perfect choice for your training and ofcorse other Gods will train you but one by one . you and sesshomaru will be taken to the world of spirits where you will be trained by them okk dear''

''hai father i understand''kagome smiled and bowed to her father . sesshomaru came toward kagome and escorted her to the garden outside where they all were going to meet her sensei.  she had not arrived there yet .

suddenly a bright light came from  the sky , as the orb started descending toward the earth, its light slowly faded away. and then appeared a women , a old women from that orb. small was her height but she had a very strong aura around her. a certain strong authority she held.(''' Genkai was an old-fashioned woman with great strength and determination. She put her mind and body through extensive training to allow her to create and control the spirit wave orb, which contributed greatly to her rather cold and hard demeanor.''' )

lord shiichi stepped forward when she finally landed and greeted her respectively bowing his head and welcoming her. she did the same. then they turned around and started walking toward kagome's direction. they stopped infront of her .

''ahh finally i got to meet with you kagome. the Gods child . i m honored they chose me to train you kagome''she said with a lil smile in her face. 

''the honor is all mine sensei''kagome smiled and bowed her head. to kagome her sensei felt like kaeda obaa-san . 

''just call me genkai kagome''

''okk genkai sensei''no she couldn't just call her sensei like that . she felt like it would be an unrespectable   thing to do.

genkai laughed and asked''so are you ready for hardship from tomorrow kagome''

''as ready as i ever will be''she said with determination and looked toward sesshomaru. and thought 'as long as sesshomaru is with me i m not afraid of anything'

''lord sesshomaru,the demon king of the western lands. it is an honor to meet you''

''the honor is all mine lady genkai. ''sesshomaru nodded toward genkai and very lill bowed his head

''so you two will be coming with me tomorrow right!?''

''yes lady genkai they''said lord shiichi

''but before training kagome i want to see her  complete aura''genkai looked at kagome curiously

''ofcorse lady genkai'' lord shiichi said and then looked at kagome''kagome we will go to dojo there she can see your aura okk''

''hai father'' they all moved toward the dojo. where kagome stood in the middle of the dojo and started concentrating in awakening her power both miko and first there was just a lill spark that came from her body but after that it became like a full load thunder like aura . its sparks flying everywhere around the dojo. some demon hissed because of the burn it gave to them. but kagome had started lessening the harm from that aura and it filled with warn and comforting one.

genkai was amazed and impressed with kagome and then and there made the decision that she will be the one who will be the successor  of her powers.

# minaa have you seen: yu yu hakusho: you see genkai is the spirit master in it and she is soo awesome. and now she is the sensei of kagome.***enjoy this new combined twist ne~~

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