Chapter 19: Pretty Restricting

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"Maybe trying to get you and Jc to be friends wasn't quite the best idea," Kian stated as we were in his car, his hand resting gently on my thigh.

I chuckled quietly. "You think?"

"Maybe you guys just aren't meant to be friends."

I sighed. "I like that Sam guy way more anyway. Maybe I could be his friend instead."

Kian nodded. "Yeah that sounds like a much safer plan, honestly."

I shook my head gently. Honestly, I wanted Jc and I to become friends. I had the slightly crazy idea that if Jc and I were to become friends, it would somehow make my relationship with Kian even stronger than it already was at the current moment. I knew that this idea was completely ridiculous, but I'd do anything to make our relationship stronger, mostly because I was terrified of the idea of Kian ever leaving me.

"Gracie," Kian murmured, lightly shaking my shoulder, trying to get my attention.

I quickly perked up and turned my head to face him.

"We're here," he stated, motioning toward the hotel. "You kinda zoned out for a bit."

"Oh, I didn't even realize."


"I can't keep staying here every night," I muttered, sighing. "I need my own place."

Sitting on the edge of the bed beside me, Kian pulled me onto his lap.

"What kind of place would you want?" Kian asked before placing his lips on my neck.

"I don't know... Maybe a condo or something. Preferably not too far away from you," I replied, pressing my lips to his temple.

"I can help you out with that," he stated with a smirk.

"Aww really?" I asked softly.

"Of course! It's no big deal," he stated cooly. "And besides, there are a few condos for sale about five minutes away from my house if you're interested at all."

"That seems great," I told him.

It seemed almost too good to be true in a way, but who was I to argue? All I needed was a simple little condo and it made it even better that I would be near Kian.


The following week, I was moved into my new condo, with the help of my perfect boyfriend, Kian. Thanks to him, we managed to unpack all of my items. I even bought a ton of furniture. This was the first time that I've ever felt like I was truly at home. If it weren't for Kian, I would have been miserable right now or even worse... dead.

I was feeling a bit alone, sprawled across my couch watching Netflix. It was getting pretty late and I suddenly craved the feeling of being held in Kian's arms. Checking the time, it was 11:17 pm. I assumed Kian would be awake and decided to text him.

'Hey are you up?' I sent.

'Yeah. What's up?' he responded.

I bit my lip. 'Wanna come over? ;)'

He responded almost instantly. 'Hell yeah! On my way.'

I quickly threw my phone down on the couch a ran toward the bathroom. I quickly stood in front of the mirror and inspected myself. My makeup that I applied this morning was somehow still intact. My hair was slightly messy in a cute way. I smiled in satisfaction at the fact that I actually looked decent for once. My smile soon faded when I realized that I needed to change. My baggy t-shirt and sweatpants just wouldn't do. I knew Kian wouldn't mind if I wore that, but I wanted to look hot, especially for him.

I exited the bathroom and ran toward my bedroom. I opened my walk-in closet and grabbed my short black dress, hoping it wouldn't be too much. I slipped it on and walked back into the bathroom to look into the full-length mirror. I smiled, content with how I looked, hoping that Kian would feel the same way too.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. I took one last look at myself before leaving my bathroom and walking toward the door. I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress before opening the door for Kian. My eyes met Kian's and a smile instantly formed on my face. His hair was messy, which I found incredibly sexy. He also looked a bit tired, but somehow managed to still look perfect. Kian slowly stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"Wow," Kian stated. "You look...amazing."

I wrapped my arms gently around his neck and bit my lip. "So do you."

He gently snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"You look exhausted," I said softly.

"Yeah, Jc and I filmed some stuff earlier and it got pretty crazy."

"Why don't you sit down?" I suggested, motioning to the couch.

He took me up on my offer and sat down in the middle of the couch.

"I'm gonna get you some water, sweetheart and I'll be right back," I told him before coming up behind him and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

I then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a chilled water bottle from the fridge. I walked back into the living room where Kian was with a big smile on my face and handed Kian his water.

"Thanks baby girl," he stated, grabbing the water. "You're the best."

I nodded and dimmed the lights. I then slowly walked behind the couch, right behind where he was sitting and began massaging his neck and shoulders.

"I try to be," I replied and continued to massage him.

"That feels good," he murmured.

I put my lips right beside his ear and began whispering seductively. "Your shirt is a bit restricting. Maybe you should take it off."

My words caused Kian to shiver lightly, causing me to be pretty proud of myself. Kian did as I said and pulled his shirt off. I gently pressed my lips to his warm neck, giving him gentle neck kisses, getting a reaction out of him after each one.

Then I found myself making my way around the couch and sat down on his lap. He cupped my face in his hands and pulled his lips to mine, kissing me passionately. I kissed him back with everything I had and slowly intertwined my fingers into his soft blonde hair. Suddenly Kian broke the kiss and looked me straight in the eyes. I whined in protest, making him laugh gently.

"Maybe you should, uh, take your dress off too," Kian suggested in a low, sexy voice. "It's pretty restricting."

I smirked and bit my lip. I stood up and did as Kian asked me to, slipping my dress off. Kian gently pulled me back onto his lap and pulled me in for another kiss. His hands rested on the clasp of my bra for a few moments before he unhooked it and threw it to the floor. Examining my body for a few seconds, Kian seemed to be staring at me in amazement.

"You're perfect," Kian whispered to me before his lips crashed into mine again.

He eventually ended up on top of me as we continued to make out. Before I knew it, I was biting my lip to keep from smiling and Kian was pulling a condom out of his wallet.


This chapter was pretty boring, so I added that very last scene for you guys :-))) I am so sorry if this chapter wasn't that great, but I really wanted to post something this weekend. The next one will *hopefully* be much better. I'll try and update again asap.

Vote and comment letting me know if you enjoyed!

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