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Somehow, regardless of the fact that Kian cheated on me, I was able to give him my complete trust again. If I didn't forgive the love of my life and give him my trust, what would I have left? Who would I have left? Without Kian, I was nothing, honestly. Alone, I was a nobody and I felt completely and utterly worthless. Kian made me happy. He was my rock and he made life worth living. He made me understand the true meaning of love and I would be forever grateful for that.

It had been about a month after I had left the hospital and Kian and I were still going strong. I mean, there were a few moments where I felt like slapping him, but that's part of being in a relationship with someone like him. Even though him and I had our moments at times, at the end of the day, I loved him so fucking much it hurt. Him and I had only been together for several months, but I knew that I would love this boy forever. I just hoped that he felt that way about me too.

Jc and I had also grown closer. It was strange to think that just a little over a month earlier, we hated each other. Now we acted as if we had known each other for our entire lives. I was able to tell him anything and he was able to do the same with me. I felt so lucky to be able to call someone as amazing as him one of my best friends.

Kian decided that it would be a fun idea to go to the mall today and of course he just had to drag me along. Looking at the clock, I sighed. I knew that I'd have to get up because Kian was supposed to be there to pick me up in about 20 minutes. I reluctantly got off the couch and began to get ready.


A sudden knock at the door made me jump. All ready to go, I stood up and answered the door to reveal Kian's smirking face. I instantly bit my lip in a natural response to his wonderful appearance and he did the same. I smiled widely at him as he smiled back. He then pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged him back.

"You look amazing, Gracie," he stated before pressing his lips to my cheek.

I felt my cheeks warm up as I blushed. "You look pretty good yourself," I replied.

He released from the hug and held both of my hands in his. "Wanna get going?" he asked.

I nodded in response and followed him out to his car, getting into the passenger seat. Kian then walked around the car, getting into the driver's seat. I sighed, considering I wasn't in much of a mood to go to the mall, but I was, however in the the mood to spend time with Kian.

Suddenly Kian turned on some music, instantly making me jump up. My ears perked up at the sound of the sound of the song, Fix My Heart by SayWeCanFly. I was even more surprised to notice that Kian was singing along lightly.

"So that's where my album went!" I exclaimed over the music. "I've been looking for it!"

Kian rubbed the back of his neck and smiled softly. "Yeah I kinda sorta...borrowed it?"

I shrugged. "It's fine, as long as you give it back!" I replied. "That's one of my favorite albums of all time, just so you know."

Kian smirked before letting out a laugh. "I won't argue with you there, it's pretty great. You actually kinda got me hooked on his music, you know?"

"Good because he's amazing."

"Now stop talking and sing along with me!" Kian shouted before breaking out into song.

"But maybe I should find," Kian and I both sang-shouted in unison. "A way to let you know
That even though you're gone
You have left me here alone
Well baby, you should try
To fix my heart before you go
Because my heart will always be
My heart will always be
Well my heart will always be your second home."

By the time the song ended, Kian and I were laughing and we were pulling into the mall parking lot. I stepped out of the car and my hand was instantly taken into Kian's grasp. No matter how many times I held his hand, I could just never get enough. Nothing Kian and I ever did together got old.

We walked toward the entrance, hand in hand. Once we made it to the door, Kian let go of my hand for a split second just to open the door for me. It seemed as if ever since he cheated, he had been trying harder to do nice things for me, but the funny thing was... he didn't have to do that. I still found him perfect in every way.

The moment we were inside of the mall, I wanted to leave. It was crowded and there were way too many people. I would have rather been at home on the couch with Kian, watching Netflix and being antisocial. Instead, Kian and I were out in public.


After a while of walking around the mall and almost getting kicked out a few times, Kian and I decided to go to the food court. I sat at a table and waited as Kian got our food for us.

As I was waiting, out of the corner of my eye, I could see a group of girls walking in my direction. I nervously held my breath, praying that they'd walk past and ignore me. Sadly, they did the opposite and stood right in front of me. I looked up and my eyes widened once I noticed that they looked familiar.

"Oh my goodness, is that Disgrace Folkner?!" one of them exclaimed.

"You actually look... pretty for once, wow!" another one of them exclaimed.

I sighed once I realized they were from my old school. I thought that I would have never seen them again, but there they were, sadly. These were some of the girls that I hated the most and made fun of me all the time.

"I, uh... actually go by Gracie now," I told them.

"Ooh look who's changing her life around," Ava, the main girl of the group, stated.

"You could say that."

"So why haven't you been at school? Or did I just not notice you because you're invisible?" she asked.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I dropped out because people like you were annoying as hell."

She made a face at me before speaking again. "Well at least you actually seem to care about your appearance now because you were actually pretty ugly before."

"Gracie has never been ugly," Kian stated from behind Ava.

Ava's eyes widened as she turned around to face Kian.

"Can you all just leave my girlfriend alone and carry on with your lives?" Kian continued.

All of the girls' eyes widened as those words escaped Kian's mouth. Ava directed her attention back to me.

"H-how did you get a guy like that?" she asked me incredulously. "He's way hotter than you."

"Didn't I just tell you to leave?" Kian interrupted. "And no. I'm not way hotter than her. She's way hotter than me. Honestly, I love Gracie to death and I would do anything for her. Don't you dare insult her in any way."

My eyes widened at Kian's amazing words. My eyes slowly began to fill with tears of joy. Not even caring that the group of girls from school were still standing around us, I cupped Kian's face in my hands and pulled his lips to mine. He kissed me back passionately and all I could really remember after that was the feeling of satisfaction and the sounds of the girls stomping away.


Okay, so that's the end guysssss. Sorry it took so long to post, but I just had a lot of personal issues going on lately, but I'm okay now I guess.

And if you don't know, I started a new Kian Lawley fan fiction called Intoxicated I Love You. So far, there are only two chapters, but check it out if you're interested :-)))

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