Chapter 5: Friends

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"Take me out. And finish this waste of a life," I sang along loudly to Trapdoor by Twenty one Pilots as I finished shampooing my hair.

A few minutes passed and I reluctantly stepped out of my hot and relaxing shower and dried off. I quickly pulled on my clothes and left the steamy bathroom, only to be greeted by Kian's lovely voice.

"Sure took you long enough," Kian complained, snapping me out of my thoughts and startling me in the process.

I quickly placed my hand over my heart and took a few deep breaths, trying to regain my composure. My heart was racing.

"Oh my god, Kian! I forgot you were even here," I stated.

I took a seat beside him on my bed.

"That's because you were in the shower for so goddamn long!"

"I was only in there for like 30 minutes. Calm your tits, dude."

"You were actually in there for almost 2 hours, thank you very much."

"Don't sass me, sweetheart."

"I just did, Gracie," he told me.

"Ooh look who suddenly got some balls."

"You know, I really hate you right now."

"Right back at ya."

"Remind me why we hang out again?"

"Because you have to help me with my list because I'm so irresistable," I stated with a huge grin.

He sighed. "Good point."

"Of course! Every point I make is good."

He sighed impatiently. "So what are we up to for today?"

"Nothing," I told him.

"Nothing?" he asked.

"Nothing," I confirmed.

"You just made me wait out here for almost two hours for nothing?"

"Well not for nothing exactly."

"Then what?"

"What is it a crime to want a bit of company?" I asked him.

"No, but it is a bit odd considering we spent a ton of time together at my house last week," he told me. "And I thought you hated me."

"Kian, Kian, Kian. You shouldn't feel that way. I don't hate you. Why on earth would I have you around if I hated you?"

"I don't know, maybe because you want to complete your list?"

"Don't you think I'd choose someone I actually liked to complete my list, as opposed to someone I couldn't stand, considering I'd be spending so much time with them?"

"Good point."

I shrugged. "And you know, I called you and you said you had no plans for today, so I thought, why not hang out with my new buddy?"

Kian quickly placed the back of his hand on my forehead.

"Kian what the hell?!"

Then he proceeded to place his hands on my cheeks.

"You don't have a fever and you don't feel clammy," he stated. "You okay, Gracie?"

"I'm fine! What's wrong with wanting to hang out with a friend of yours?"

"I thought we weren't friends."

I laughed gently and grabbed his hand in both of mine. "Don't be silly! A girl can change her mind, can't she?"

Worth Dying For // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now