Chapter 9: Speak to Me

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"D-dad?" I stammered. "I mean...Thomas?"

My dad awkwardly nodded and offered his hand to help me up. I declined and got up on my own. He sighed, but still remained silent.

"Well are you actually going to say anything or just stand there in silence like you always do?!"

I didn't exactly mean to shout, but I couldn't help it. I had so much anger boiling up inside of me for a while. He still kept quiet.

"Dad! Speak to me! You never fucking speak to me!"

He took a deep breath before speaking "Why are you out? I never gave you permission to go out today."

"Are you fucking serious?"

He nodded.

"I ran away! I haven't been home in like three weeks, Thomas!"

He raised his eyebrows. "Really? Oh, well I didn't notice," he muttered. "Charlotte hasn't noticed either, as a matter of fact."

"That's exactly why I left because neither of you have ever cared about me."

"That's not exactly true."

"Can we go somewhere?" I asked. "Like to talk?"

Thomas sighed impatiently. "I suppose so."


Thomas and I were now sitting next to each other on a park bench. The park was pretty empty, so it was the perfect place to have a private conversation.

"W-why don't you and mom care about me?" I asked nervously.

"Do you want the real answer?"

"What, are you stupid? I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want the real answer!"

"You were an accident," he started and my heart dropped. "Your mother was on the best and most expensive birth control. Her and I both made an agreement when we first got together that neither of us wanted kids. And when we found out that Charlotte was pregnant, she wanted an abortion, but I was against it. Now that I think about it, I don't really understand why we kept you."

Tears threatened to spill and I let them. All of this time I thought that there was something wrong with me or something, when in reality, the problem was with my parents.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I exclaimed through my tears. "You couldn't have given me up for adoption?! At least then, I'd be with people who actually care about me."

"I'm sorry," he told me as he stood up.

"No you're not!" I retorted.

He took a deep breath. "Yeah you're right. I have to be going now, but before I do," he paused as he pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a debit card and handed it to me. I raised my eyebrows when I saw my name on it. "Your mother and I were going to wait until you graduate to give you this, but hey, no time better than the present, right?"

I inspected the card closely. "What is this for?"

"Your mother and I have been putting money into an account for you ever since you were born. And now that you're 18, this means that we're not legally responsible for you anymore. And since you already left home, you know... This means you'll never have to come back."

"Wow you guys are such great parents," I said sarcastically.

"You should be thanking me. There's so much money in the account that you'll never have to work a day in your life. Think about're rich now!"

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