Chapter 2: Look Out

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"That was awesome!" Kian exclaimed as we were walking back to the hotel. "You don't seem like the type to be brave enough to get a tattoo."

I shrugged. "I'm brave enough to do a lot of things."

After those words escaped my lips, Kian stopped me and turned me to face him placing his arms around my waist. Our faces were only a few inches apart and I could feel Kian's minty breath dancing across my lips.

"Is that so?" he asked gently. "Are you brave enough to do this?"

Suddenly his lips were moving closer to mine. Thinking quickly, I pushed him off of me.

"Get the hell off of me," I told him. "Your breath smells terrible," I lied.

Part of me kinda wanted Kian to kiss me, but I knew that it would be wrong. I couldn't get too attached to Kian. I only needed him for one thing and one thing only... my plan.

He rolled his eyes at me and we kept walking. We continued to walk in silence until we came across a blank wall of a building that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. I stopped walking and stared at it for a moment.

"Why are we stopping?" Kian asked.

"Wanna help me out with another thing for tonight? Well actually another two things?"

"Killing two birds with one stone," Kian stated.

"Exactly. So would you like to help me with this or not?"

He sighed impatiently. "I guess so. What are we gonna do now?"

"Well we're not too far from the hotel and I need to grab a few things before we start."

"Okay, cool. But at least tell me what we're doing this time."

"All in good time, sweetheart," I replied, leaving his question unanswered.


We were back at the wall after I went back to my hotel room to grab the items needed for my next task...or should I say our next task?

I took my backpack off my back and dug around for the items that I bought earlier this morning. I smiled once my hand grazed the cold and smooth metal of the spray can. Once I pulled it out, Kian's eyes widened.

"You're going to vandalize this?!" he asked, panicking.

"Chillax, sweetheart. Everything will be fine," I retorted with a huge grin. "I've always wanted to do graffiti."

"Will you stop calling me sweetheart?" Kian asked annoyed.

"No I think I actually like that nickname for you, sweetheart," I replied smugly.

"You're lucky you're cute," he muttered under his breath.

"Focus!" I shouted. "I'm gonna need you to be my lookout."

He nodded.

"And I'm also gonna need your phone number," I told him.

He smirked at me.

"And not for what you're thinking, buttercup. I need it for when I get arrested. You're gonna be my one phone call."

"Wait, you actually want to get arrested?" he asked incredulously.

"Of course."

"Then why do you need a lookout?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just do it, okay?"

"Not until you tell me why," he replied, crossing his arms.

"Look who finally grew some balls," I stated, causing him to roll his eyes. "But if you must know, if any cops are coming, I'm gonna need you to let me know so I can make myself more obvious, I guess."

Worth Dying For // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now