Chapter 20: This Isn't Right

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It had been over a week since I'd last seen Kian and for some odd reason, he barely responded to any of my calls or texts.

I spent all of my days over this span of time alone, watching Netflix. Although that actually wasn't so bad, it would've been much better with Kian around.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on with him, but I felt as if something was wrong. I couldn't help but worry about him. He meant so much to me and I wasn't so sure if he realized that. I was nothing without him. My heart and soul ached and longed for him whenever him and I were apart for longer than a day.

Kian made me feel safe whenever I was alone. And even though it had only been about a week, I felt more alone than ever, mostly because the only texts I had received from him were meaningless and empty, such as:

'Sorry I'm in the middle of something.'

'I don't have time to come over at the moment.'

'We'll talk at a more convenient time.'

Eventually fed up with it, I turned off the TV, grabbed my shoes and decided to make a little stop a Kian's place.


I took a deep breath before timidly giving the door a gentle knock. After a few moments, no one answered so I knocked even harder. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Jc. He made an annoyed face at me before speaking.

"Grace? Why are you here?" he asked, sounding confused.

I bit my lip and looked down at my dirty converse that I was nervously skidding back and forth on the concrete. "Is Kian around?" I asked softly.

Jc shook his head. "Nah, sorry."

"Oh," I stated in a sad tone, sighing. "That sucks, but okay."

When my eyes met Jc's, his annoyed expression instantly softened.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "You seem kinda...down."

I shrugged. "I guess so."

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "You can come in and talk to me y'know," he suggested. "If you need someone to talk to I mean," he quickly added.

"No it's okay," I replied. "Thanks."

I slowly turned on my heel and was about to walk away when Jc stopped me.

"Wait!" he called out, walking toward me. "Look...I know I'm not your favorite person, but I mean...we both care a lot about Kian, so we might as well get along."

My eyes widened, surprised at his words, but I soon nodded in response. Jc was right. We should just get along for the sake of Kian.

"You're right," I told him.

"So... wanna reconsider coming in?"

I sighed and nodded. Within seconds I was reluctantly following closely behind Jc.


I ended up spending over three hours with Jc that day and was happily surprised at how well hanging out with him actually went. I was telling him all about how Kian had been ignoring me the past week, but Jc reassured me that Kian just had a lot to do.

Jc and I just spent the entire time getting to know each other, such as learning each other's favorite colors and biggest fears. There was no drama and it was amazing. We even ended up exchanging phone numbers, meaning that Jc and I were meant to be friends after all.

A few days passed since that day and I was just casually watching Netflix, as usual, when my phone buzzed, notifying me that I received a text. I silently prayed that it was from Kian and was a bit disappointed that it was just Jc. Not that Jc wasn't awesome or anything, but it just would've been lovely if my boyfriend took some time out of his day to actually talk to me.

Worth Dying For // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now