Chapter 4: Blushing

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With each step we took toward his front door, I could feel myself becoming more and more nervous. I've never been great with social situations.

"Luckily my roommates are going to be out all day," Kian told me, as he was unlocking the door with his key. "I honestly wouldn't know how exactly to explain to them what exactly is going on between us."

"I thought you said we wouldn't be alone though?" I asked.

"I lied."

Relief instantly washed over my body when I realized that that meant no awkward encounters and I quickly followed Kian inside.

"Well there isn't exactly anything going on really," I told him. "You could always just tell them that we're friends."

"Are we friends?"

I laughed gently. "I'm still trying to figure that out."

He rolled his eyes and laughed along with me. "Just shut up and follow me to my room."

I stopped laughing and crossed my arms, giving him a glare. "Is that any way to speak to a lady?"

"Disgrace, you and I both know that you don't give a damn about being a lady."

"Very true," I replied laughing and followed Kian to his room.


"Luckily I cleaned my room recently," Kian stated as he turned light on.

I stayed silent as I walked to the middle of the room and kinda stood there awkwardly. Then Kian shut his door and lazily plopped down onto his bed, lying down.

"Why are you just standing there? Make yourself at home, Gracie!"

I plopped down right beside him and my face was only about an inch or two away from his. I gave him a gentle smile and he returned it. Then I cupped his cheek gently in my hand and stroked his smooth face with my thumb.

"Kian," I whispered.

"Yeah?" he replied back, also whispering.

"I'll kill you if you call me Gracie again," I stated harshly and gently slapped his cheek with the hand that was caressing his face.

After that I quickly sat up and got as far away from him as possible.

"You know," he began. "I keep thinking for one second that maybe you're into me and that you're flirting with me, but then the next second, you do some shit like that."

I shrugged. "Me? Flirting with you? That's hilarious, Kian!"

"And another thing, Gracie. I'll stop calling you that as soon as you stop calling me sweetheart."

"Quite the ultimatum you're giving me," I told him. "Too bad that you're going to stop calling me Gracie and I'll continue to call you whatever I want."

"You know, I hate you sometimes."

"What a coincidence! I hate me all of the time," I said laughing enthusiastically.

I expected him to laugh with me, but when I glanced over at him, he was looking me dead in the eye with a serious expression on his face.

"You know I wasn't actually serious, right?" he told me. "I could never hate you, Gracie."

I rolled my eyes at his use of my new nickname, but instantly smiled when I'd realized what he said.

"And there's no reason for you to ever hate yourself," he added. "I mean, you're weird, cool, witty and kind of fun to be around, you know when you aren't insulting me."

Worth Dying For // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now