Chapter 23: I Never Thought

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Grace's POV

"But why would you do something like that?" Charlotte asked me as she took my hand in hers.

I quickly snatched my hand out of her grip, not wanting any kind of bonding moment with the woman that was supposed to be my mother.

"Which part, stealing your pills or actually swallowing them?" I asked, annoyance evident in my voice.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "I am a multi-millionaire, Grace. Do you really think that I care about you stealing my pills? I could easily get more."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say," I muttered.

"I meant that it was incredibly stupid of you to try and kill yourself! I mean I know you aren't quite the brightest kid around, but I never expected you to be dumb enough to do something like that!"

"Wow, thanks mom! It's always been lovely spending time with you!" I shouted, faking enthusiasm. "Remember that time when I was 12 and we went on vacation in the Caribbean and you 'accidentally' left me there? So much fun!"

She sighed and buried her face in her hands. "And she wonders why we never paid any attention to her," she stated, directing her attention back to the man who was supposed to be my father.

"Why are you guys even here?" I asked, clenching my teeth trying to hold back my anger.

When I received blank stares and no response, tears formed in my eyes. It was dumb of me to even allow them back here. I had this unrealistic hope that they would actually be worried and that they were coming here to tell me that they missed me. I was such an idiot for ever thinking that anyone would care about me. The sooner that I accept that I'm stuck in this world on my own, the better.

"You haven't said a single word to me, Thomas," I said to my 'father'.

He folded his lips inward and looked away.

"So you're just going to ignore me, as always?" I asked impatiently.

"Now now now, there is no need for that tone of voice, Grace," Charlotte told me.

"Get out," I demanded, looking back and forth from Charlotte to Thomas.

When neither of them budged, I ended up losing my temper.

"Can you guys just leave! You two have spent my entire life not caring and honestly, you're wasting all of my fucking time right now! Get the hell out of my room and get the hell out of my life!"

The moment those words escaped my lips, I was trembling and sobbing. My throat was dry and raspy after yelling so much, especially because I had just woken up not too long before. Thomas instantly left the room upon my request, but Charlotte lingered a bit longer.

"We put more money into your account," she told me, giving me an apologetic look.

"Leave," I replied weakly, my voice hoarse.

She looked straight into my eyes and gave me a quick nod. "Well I guess this is it."

I looked away, directing my attention out of the window. "I guess it is."

"Goodbye," she whispered and shut the door behind herself.

I guess that meant that I truly was alone forever now. I never quite understood why I gave myself so much false hope when I knew that anyone truly loving me was impossible. The rest of the day was uneventful and lonely for me, aside from the occasional nurse that came in to check on me or bring me my meal.

Worth Dying For // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now