Chapter 3: Feeling Free

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"W-what are we doing here?" Kian stammered.

"We're gonna jump, obviously," I retorted.

A week had passed since the night I got arrested. Kian had been very busy most of the week because he was working, so this was our first time seeing each other since that night. Apparently he got paid actual money to make YouTube videos of himself being an idiot.

I practically forced him to drive us to this awesome spot where you could jump off of a cliff and into the ocean. Poor Kian was clueless and didn't realize what was going to happen until now. I've always wanted to go cliff-diving and now was finally my chance to. Scared little Kian was standing far away from the edge practically shaking in terror.

"W-we're g-gonna jump?"

I nodded. "That's what I just said, isn't it? A big tough guy like you can't seriously be afraid."

"I'm n-not afraid. I'm just worried that you might hurt yourself."

"C'mon, don't be such a wuss. And maybe you should spend less time worrying about me and a little more time worrying about yourself," I told him. "I'll be fine."

"Why don't we just go rock climbing or something? You know where we'd actually have a harness to stop us from falling to our death!"

I sighed. "We'll be fine."

"What if there are rocks? We could die."

"If I died it wouldn't be so bad," I mumbled under my breath.

"What the hell did you just say?" Kian asked, sounding almost angry. "Did you just say you wanted to die?"

I quickly shook my head. "No, of course not!" I lied. "I said that dying would be oh so bad! I just want to jump to feel alive, Kian. And I want you to feel alive with me."

He took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm only agreeing to this because you look hot in that cute little blue bikini of yours."

I rolled my eyes at his desperate attempt at flirting. "Shut up and let's get this over with."

He nodded. "Let's go for it."

I held out my hand and he hesitantly took it.

"On three?" I asked gently.

He closed his eyes and merely nodded in response.

"One......two......three!" I shouted and basically pulled Kian down with me.

While I was in the air, I felt light as a feather. I felt weightless, but most of all... I felt free. My happy thoughts on the way down made me almost able to ignore Kian's loud shrieks of terror. I quickly held my breath once I felt my body hit the cool water. Once we were under the water, Kian pulled me closer, hugging me. I assumed that he did so because he was nervous, but since it was Kian we're talking about here, I guess we'll never know, would we? After a few more seconds, I swam to the top and took a deep breath once my head made it above water. A couple seconds later, Kian also came up, gasping for air.

"That was awesome!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Just the entire adrenaline thing was insane!"

Kian remained silent the entire time, just staring blankly at me.

"You alright, sweetheart?" I asked.

He nodded slowly, but continued to stare blankly at me. Then, suddenly he pulled me into a huge hug and spun me around, causing me to shriek in surprise.

"Thank you!" he shouted. "Thank you so much for making me do that!"

"You're thanking me after I pulled you off of a cliff?" I asked, confused. "Did you hit your head on the way down?"

"I just don't understand how you have this effect on me! You're literally getting me to do things that I would never have done before, otherwise."

"Well you're welcome, I guess?"

He gave me a genuine smile before speaking again.

"We should probably get going," he suggested.

I nodded in agreement. I then grabbed his hand as we were getting out of the water.


"So what are your plans for today?" Kian asked as we were drying off and getting into his car.

"Not sure exactly. Probably ordering takeout and watching movies in my hotel room," I replied. "I don't really have much of a life."

"Maybe I could join you?" he asked nonchalantly as he started the car and slowly began driving.

"I see what you're doing," I stated. "Trying to be in the same room alone with me, watching a movie together. Then you'd try to make a move and hope that I'd fall for it, leading to us to have sex. I don't think so."

"Wow, it hurts me to think that you believe that sex with you is the only thing on my mind," he stated. "I just met you last week, babe. Get over yourself."

"You know I'm right."

He sighed. "Okay fine, maybe I thought about it for like a second, but I also just thought that things got pretty lonely with you and maybe you wanted a friend."

I laughed gently. "Aww, sweetheart, you actually think we're friends? That's adorable!"

He shrugged. "Well I thought that we were becoming friends."

"I'd like to think of us more as associates or perhaps even acquaintances."

"Whatever," Kian stated. "But would you at least like to come over my house to hang out for a few hours? It has to get annoying sitting in that tiny hotel room of yours all the time."

"You actually want to spend more time with me?" I asked sincerely.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"It's just that... No one's ever made any effort to try to hang out with me before."

"You're kidding!"

I laughed sadly. "I wish I was."

"So you wanna come over and chill? We won't be alone, so you don't have to worry about me making a move or whatever you call it."

I smiled at his kind gesture. "Only if I wouldn't be too much of a bother."

"I love how you go from being a total dick-face to an adorable, sweet person in a matter of seconds," he told me, causing me to chuckle. "And why would I invite you over if I didn't want to have you around?"

"Good point. And yes, I'll come over then."

"Can I ask you a quick question?"

"You just did."

He rolled his eyes, then quickly directed his attention back to the road.

"Why are you staying in a hotel room every night, Gracie?"

I jumped upon hearing his new nickname for me. "W-why did you just call me Gracie?"

"I don't know... I just think that Gracie suits you much better than something as harsh-sounding as Disgrace."

"Oh... I'd still prefer it if you called me Disgrace, though. But anyway, I'm staying in the hotel because I kinda sorta ran away from home and the hotel was the first place I saw to stay at."

He nodded as if he understood. "Your home life must've sucked since it made you leave like that."

"Saying that it sucked is an understatement."

"What was wrong exactly, if you don't mind me asking?"

I was about to answer his question, but then we were slowly pulling into the driveway of his house, distracting me.

"Oh look we're here! I guess you'll just have to find out about my home life all in good time, my sweetheart," I replied with a wink.


I've been super active this weekend, so I think I deserve some love!

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