Chapter 2

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Sunlight greeted Nora kindly that next morning. She sat up, the little ball of light still nestled on her table. She reached out to it, playing with it between her fingers. It twirled around them like a toy. She set it back on the table on a small glass dish.

Nora made her way into the kitchen, where her father and Gyda were sitting having breakfast. A plate was made for her, which Gyda pushed her way with an apologetic face.

"Good morning," Nora said with a smile on her face. She was rather chipper, which she didn't usually find herself that way in the morning.

"How did you sleep, my dear?" Ulfar asked, patting the seat next to her.

"Like a dream," she said, lightly recounting the night before. She took a seat.

"Nora, I wanted to apologize," Gyda said sheepishly. She rubbed at her elbow. Their father heard the yelling the night before and insisted Gyda apologize. "It wasn't fair for me to take my foul mood out on you."

"It's fine," Nora assured her. She couldn't care less, right then.

"Really?" Gyda asked. She had expected some backtalk from her sister, a jab at how rude she had actually been. It frustrated her that Nora was so calm about it. It was almost suspicious.

"Water under the bridge," Nora smiled, placing a bit of sausage in her mouth. She chewed happily while Ulfar and Gyda couldn't help but stare at her demeanor. Nora noticed it, and decided it would be best to excuse herself, "I think I'm going to take a walk."

So up she went, and out the door.

Loki hadn't slept much that night. His mind was racing with thoughts of her. How he had wished to go see her again, but it was late and it wasn't proper of him to sneak onto her balcony in the first place. He just couldn't help himself.

Loki now sat, awaiting an audience with Odin, who had called for him as soon as he had awoken that day.

"My son!" Odin boomed as he entered the room.

He had kept Loki waiting longer than he had liked, "Father."

"Come, come," Odin waved him over to a set of chairs near the window. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

Loki smirked, "Actually, I did."

"Wonderful," Odin said, placing his hand on Loki's shoulder. "Were there any ladies that happened to catch your eye that I should know about?"

Odin was seeking a contender for Loki. If he could wed both of his sons in one go, it would relieve him of his duties as king. He could retire and be with his own wife.

"Perhaps," Loki said. He didn't think his father would care much about his opinion.

"Go on," Odin said. He waved at a servant to fetch them some wine. "Was it that girl on the balcony?"

Loki narrowed his eyes, "Perhaps."

"Enlighten me," he asked, taking a cup of wine. Loki took the other.

"She was stunning," Loki admitted. "She seems brilliant, yet withheld."

"What was her name?" Odin asked.

"Arnora," Loki said, enjoying the feel of her name in his mouth yet again.

"Arnora, you say!" Odin seemed shocked. "Your brother also spoke of her greatly."

Something sunk in Loki's chest. Thor couldn't possibly have connected with her the way he had or thought he had.

"You don't say," Loki said as he ran his tongue over his teeth. "And what did Thor say of her?"

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