Chapter 9

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Without much further thought, Nora found that she was now bound to Thor. Not in a bad way, but since their first night together... she was officially dating the crown prince. For a day she felt a tinge of guilt that she did not grant Loki ample time to make his way back to her. But, time was not Loki's friend, and he did not wield it wisely. She knew she would be waiting a while, if not for her life, to see him again.

Thor practically announced to all that they had slept together. His boisterous and positive demeanor was amplified beyond its normal degree. There was no side-stepping it there.

"So, when's the wedding?" Volstagg winked at them.

Nora just rolled her eyes. But Thor, beaming, only winked at his friends as he placed his hand to Nora's thigh. His friends and family meant quite a bit to him, and they were glad to share in his happiness. Nora hadn't thought through the aftermath of her actions. As she felt all eyes were on her, she took to escaping the chatter and back to the woods.

With a heavy sigh, Nora walked by the pond. As much as this place was solace for her, she no longer felt alone when she was there. It had been shared, and she could not unshare it.

So, Nora took back to the woods and found herself back at the waterfall's edge. She ventured through it and into the cave she had fought the frost giants out of not too long ago. There were remnants of them still present, and Nora found herself drawn to the note they had stumbled upon. The note pointed at Loki. She held in her hands, feeling his essence etched into the writing, but it felt tainted.

Since that day, none had thought to investigate as to how the frost giants had made their way into Asgard, besides it being one of Loki's games. But Nora found it curious to think that Loki would help them in, and not help himself back, too. Perhaps she was trying to rationalize it as if he had chosen not to come back.

As Nora walked around the cave and inspected each item, she found herself walking down a hollow tunnel. She was sure that it was not there the last time and urged herself to be brave and explore what it held.

The cave grew dark, forcing Nora to conjure a ball of light to see further. The cave grew cold, and Nora suddenly lost the confidence she had found. She exhaled, catching sight of her breath in front of her.

Nora turned around and trotted back the way she came, but she had ventured far enough to have become lost. Or had she? These tunnels felt like a maze. So, Nora reached out to ground herself to something outside of the cave, and she happened upon Thor's person some acres away. She latched on to him, stepping ever so slightly into his mind as she let her feet guide her.

Thor, paused where he stood, out in the gardens that overlooked Asgard. He could feel Nora's presence, but could not see her. "Nora?"

Nora smiled at the recognition. And it seemed to be working, she took a turn and saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

But something sounded behind her. She stopped in her tracks and turned behind her, tilting her head and squinting in the darkness.

"Are you lost?" a gravelly voice sounded. The air turned frigid as Nora backed away, towards the light. She threw her ball of light where the voices were, to reveal the Frost Giant lurking in the cave. "Oh, you're certainly lost."

Nora turned to run, unsure of how many others may be lurking in the cave. She knew she was close to the cave's entrance, and she could defend herself better out there.

Thor could sense the turn of panic in Nora as she continued to use him as a guide through the maze. He turned and looked over Asgard, trying to pinpoint where she could be. "Nora, what's wrong?"

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