Chapter 10

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Thor took counsel with Sif and the Warriors Three. They made a plan to travel to Jotunheim one way or another to rescue Nora, whether she needed them or not. 

He then informed Ulfar and Gyda of Nora's disappearance, as he was sure they would go to Odin and voice their concerns. Ulfar and Gyda were both endlessly concerned by Nora's disappearance.

Lastly, he took counsel with his mother.

"Oh, Thor," Frigga said. "You and I both know that Arnora is more than capable of taking care of herself. But, finding her way home may need a guiding hand."

"Will Odin be angry if I took leave of Asgard to find her?" Thor asked. "He seems to wish to let the fates decide."

"What do you feel is right?" Frigga asked.

"Would Odin not trek the realms if you were taken?" Thor asked. "How can he ask me not to find Nora?"

"Perhaps it is a test of your love for her," Frigga said. "Would you move the worlds to bring her home? As Odin would for me?"

Thor thought over her words as the pink hues of sunrise crept on the sky. He turned his attention to it immediately, and bid his mother farewell.

Sif and the Warriors Three were already making their way down the bridge. Thor flew down and joined them, ready to present their case to Heimdall to let them through.

"Heimdall?" Thor asked as they entered. To their surprise, Heimdall was nowhere in sight.

"What do we do now?" Volstagg asked.

Sif approached the sword, submerged into the lock for the BiFrost, "We take matters into our own hands."

She turned the sword where it sat and opened the portal. Thor was the first one to run through.

Nora watched the sunlight peek through the cracks of her holding cell. She had no concept of how long she had been there. She took a large breath and exhaled, wiggling her fingers that had gone numb from the holds and frigid temperature. She stretched her legs down until her feet grazed the cold tile. She realized if she reached just enough that she could connect with the space she was in. Seidr magic lingered in the bones of this place, and Nora latched on to the tap.

A foreign incantation came over Nora's lips, and soon after she found the strength to break free of her bonds. It took nearly all she had amassed, but freedom found her. The shackles exploded from her wrists, and she landed on the floor on her knees.

Nora whipped her head around to the door to see if anyone had heard her. She crept slowly towards it, relieved to find it was not locked, and ventured outside. She vanished from sight and crept along the wall, hoping to find a way out.

As the sun began to creep on the horizon, Nora let its light guide her from where she was kept.

"Oy," a voice boomed. "You smell that?"

Two frost giants stood in Nora's way.

"Yeah," the other said. He turned in her direction, "Smells like... don't know what that smells like."

Nora panicked. It was as if they could see her, so she sprinted away. They clamored after her, clearly driven by the scent she left as opposed to seeing her.

She turned another corner and ran into Loki. He was headed to see her again, and could not have predicted that she was able to escape. She quickly managed to get to her feet and kept running, only glancing back over her shoulder for a moment to see Loki's bewildered expression. He was unsure of how she escaped.

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