Chapter 25 - Thor's Ending

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After Nora's departure, Thor found himself a mess. He no longer knew what he wanted in life, and he set his sights on the throne. He reminded his father almost every day that this was what Odin had wanted, a son who wished to take the throne as soon as he was ready, and he believed he was ready now. He had suffered heartache and strife and saw himself as a better man for it when he was more reckless, wild, and unmanageable. Odin took Thor's hammer and sent him from Asgard as a lesson, one that Odin felt was inspired by Nora's openness to the world around him. While Odin would never admit it, Nora was right that seeing the other realms was a good thing.

Thor bided his time on Midgard, taking up a new life as he sought out his hammer, took on new friends, and worked himself up to maybe falling in love again.

In their time apart, Nora traveled the many worlds and indulged in every culture she found. She spent some months in the Vanaheim, lounging by the endless waters and learning the ways of their people. She spent a good deal of time in the Jotunheim, having befriended the giants and frost giants that lived there that once had taken her prisoner. She traveled all over, presenting herself as a friend to their people. She aided those whose crops were poor, whose nights were cold, and whose hearts were lost.

She eventually returned to Myrefall sometime later to seek out her birth father, to ask what had happened to Inera, and what had transpired so badly between them that Odin deemed her a threat based on her lineage. When she had arrived, she had found that her father had been killed in a great conspiracy by his people. They had elected a new leader, who was helping the people more than Zavro had, she knew that everyone was better for it. But, knowing that the two people who had conceived her were no longer in this realm saddened her, and she spent a day arranging flowers around the grave they had placed Zavro in. Some of the townsfolk recognized Nora and pleaded with the new King to let her stay, to allow her to their libraries, and to see her as one of their own.

Nora also spent some time in Midgard but blended in amongst the people of this world. She brought many trinkets back to her father, Ulfar, as she had become proficient in teleporting between worlds.

The nine months after Nora's departure from Asgard were the most daunting. It was the first time she had felt alone in the world, and it turned out she was anything but alone. After the first three months, it was hard to deny her swollen feet and round tummy, and she knew she was with child. At the end of those nine months, she took to Myrefall, amongst friends, and delivered a set of beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed twins to the world. She named the first-born boy Magni and the second-born girl Thena. Nora swept the children up into her arms and held them tightly, cursing Odin for somehow knowing that she would carry Thor's children.

Magni and Thena spent their early years in Myrefall, learning to walk and talk amongst Nora's friends who soon became family. But, as they grew older, Nora worried that someone would notice that they were children of the royal line, and if word got to Odin and Frigga that she had born children, they would come for them.

So when the children were 5, Nora took them to Midgard and established a life for them. She used her enchantments to build a life for them, a home, friends, school, and everything else that her children could need. She could have never known that Thor was known in this realm as well as he was, that his face was plastered on many billboards, and on t-shirts that her children begged for.

When the children passed their 9th birthday, their powers began to manifest. Thena was an overcharged kid who could run for miles, and the static building in her hands began to worry Nora about their life on Midgard. Magni showed proficiency for enchantments and charmed the neighbor's cat to be able to talk.

"I'll just be gone a few days," Nora assured her children as she packed her small bag full of items for a journey. "Plus, your grandfather will be here soon."

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