Chapter 13

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The following day Nora sought out Frigga very early to divulge what had transgressed between her and Gyda. She had alluded to it the other day but didn't spare any details. Frigga was most intrigued by Nora's loss of control, as the kind of power she wielded was rare.

Together they read through Frigga's libraries for instances similar to Nora's. Nora felt discouraged for some time, as the kind of magic she used fell under mischievous use. They ended up spending many days working through the problem at hand.

Then the day finally came when Volstagg invited Gyda to the castle on Nora's behalf. Nora admitted her offense against Gyda to him, to which Volstagg was more surprised than anything. He sheepishly admitted that Nora had no longer been a main topic of conversation and that he and Gyda had bonded on other topics. He almost seemed saddened upon the intent to unlock the topic of Nora.

Nora waited patiently, with Frigga and Thor at her side, for Gyda's arrival.

"Did you figure out what to do to reverse it?" Thor asked.

"Not quite," Frigga said. "Although, I feel Arnora will be able to do so."

Volstagg had agreed to invite Gyda. He held her arm as they walked into the room. Gyda froze at the sight of Nora and tried to turn around, but Volstagg encouraged her forward.

"Gyda, we are delighted to have you," Frigga said.

Gyda couldn't deny the Queen welcoming her, "The pleasure is all mine, my Queen."

"Come," Frigga enticed her forward until Gyda stood closer to them.

Gyda stared down at Nora as she approached.

"Sister," Gyda said. She swallowed the lump in her throat, "I was not expecting to see you today."

"I asked Volstagg to invite you," Nora said.

"And why would you not invite me yourself?"

"I did not know if you would accept," Nora admitted.

Gyda nodded, "You'd be right."

"Nora," Frigga encouraged. "You had something you wished to give Gyda."

"Right," Nora said, channeling her magic to try and find the mark she left on Gyda. She was unsure of what exactly to do.

"What are you doing?" Gyda asked, watching her concentrate. She stepped back, "Are you trying to do something to me again?"

"I want to reverse it," Nora said. "And I'm sorry for not having done so sooner."

An idea plucked Nora. She walked towards her sister and pulled her into a hug. She couldn't recall the last time she had hugged her sister and thought the physical touch would be the best way to find what she had done and take it back.

Gyda froze with her hands outstretched. She was unsure if she should hug her sister back or not. Her resentment overpowered any other feeling.

Fortunately, Nora was able to pick through Gyda's aura and found the intricate mark on her soul. She took hold of it and detached it from Gyda, releasing her from the hex.

"That's enough," Gyda said. She pushed her sister away, "I don't want your foul hands on my skin."

Gyda's hands flew to her mouth, seeing how she insulted her sister in front of everyone. She didn't think the words would come out.

Nora gave her a sympathetic smile, "There you go."

"Did you... did you undo it?" Gyda asked.

"I did," Nora nodded. "I'm sorry for restricting you. You can insult me at will again."

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