Chapter 23

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Nora found herself restless in her bed at the castle. She had spent time meditating on her decision, and its weight fell heavy on her shoulders. Loki had seemed to keep to his promise and disappeared without a goodbye. Her heart felt heavy that the wedding would be happening by the week's end, and that her destiny seemed to be written in stone at that point, unchanging.

She knew the morning was hours away, and that she would not find sleep if she continued to toss about in her bed. She pulled her silk robe over her shoulders and lit a lantern before leaving her room. She tiptoed down the dark hallway until she found herself standing in front of Thor's quarters.

With a light knock, she heard him stir on the other side of the large door. He quickly opened it and smiled down at her. He immediately let her in, which prompted Nora to step directly into his embrace.

"It's late, what brings you to me?" Thor said, pushing a strand of hair from her cheek.

"I couldn't sleep," she said, placing her hands on his chest. What she wouldn't tell him is that tomorrow would be different between them. She thought she should tell him, to confront her choice and be truthful with him.

Thor took to a seat beside the fire and pulled her to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulder, "What keeps you awake, my Queen?"

"I'm not your queen," she shushed him.

"You are the woman I love the most, that changes my days, and commands my hammer," he told her. "You are my Queen."

Nora reached up to caress his face as she kissed him, ferociously and tenderly. She felt her heart lunge for him, wanting to chase the stars with his soul for the rest of her lifetime. "Then make love to your Queen."

"Anything you ask," he said before he picked her up and carried her to his bed. He gently removed her robe and tossed it aside. Nora watched him, imprinting each line of his body into her memory. She reached for him, aching to touch his skin once more.

But he insisted that she lay back, and he took to pulling the rest of her clothes off one article at a time until she was bare. Then he stripped himself down and joined her on the bed, wasting no time to place his lips against her tender ones. A moan escaped her as he turned his head to either thigh, ever so slightly tickling her skin. She moaned deeper as he devoured her. He did the same, having waited for when he might taste her sweet spots again.

With ample use of fingers and tongue, he took Nora to a climax they had perfected over the time spent together, all the hours making love. He watched her exhale and come back to her as he strained to keep himself from pounding into her.

"If you want to, you should," she told him breathlessly, as her hand held his. He shook his head at the witch, recalling that she could read his thoughts.

"As you wish," he affirmed her words, lining himself up to enter her while planting kisses up and down her neck.

Early that morning, Nora put on a simple dress and braided her long hair down her head in a way that Frigga had shown her. She decided that she would seek out Odin and speak with him alone. She knew his pride was her biggest obstacle, and alone he may speak with more truth. She left Thor asleep in his bed and at peace as the sun began to peak in through the stained glass windows. She cast one last glance at him before sneaking out the door. Their night together had been pleasurable, but she found that it was not as wonderful as she had remembered.

She knew that Odin frequented the gardens north of the castle when the sun rose, and he would likely be there alone. She took her chance and ventured out to find him, and was delighted to find him there. He sat in meditation facing the rising sun with two guards at his side.

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