Chapter 21

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Nora paced her room furiously after Loki's departure. She put her hands to her head and circled her room with her eyes shut, trying to breathe through the frustration she felt.

"What does he know?" She said to herself. She was glad he was leaving. She didn't know why he had stuck around for so long in the first place, other than to torment her.

But as angry as she was, she couldn't avoid the feeling that she needed to know the full picture now. She decided she would go speak with Zavro. She hadn't asked him about her mother's death yet, and it seemed that the subject couldn't wait any longer.

Nora found him in the main hall, looking over an array of letters at the grand table. Darhisu sat with him, looking over a map of the area. She pushed open the doors and strode in. Zavro and Darhisu looked up surprised but didn't stop their work.

"Something the matter, dear?" Zavro asked her.

Nora dropped her arms to her sides. What was she doing? She composed herself and walked over to him in a calm fashion.

"No," she said. "Well, actually, I have a question."

"Speak your mind, daughter," Zavro said, sitting down. He looked at her.

"I, for the life of me, can't remember how my mother died," she said. "And lately, it's been getting to me. Do you know what happened to her?"

Zavro blinked a few times before placing his hands before him, "Come. Sit. I can tell you what you wish to know."

Nora walked closer to the table but stood behind the chair, refusing Zavro's offer to sit. "When was the last time you saw her?"

Zavro gave her a soft smile, "The last time I saw your mother was the last time I saw you."

"Which was when?" Nora asked. Ofelia was right that she had been here as a child.

"You were very young," Zavro said, "Maybe a year old? Two?"

"Right," Nora nodded, feeling foolish again. "Did anything happen between you and my mother before we left? I'm assuming we went back to Asgard."

"You did," Zavro confirmed as Nora sat down. "Your mother brought you here so that I could meet you. And then, she wouldn't let you stay. She let me know of your existence, and then told me I had no right to keep you in Myrefall."

"Really?" Nora asked.

"You can imagine my frustrations. You were already showing great aptitude for your abilities at such a young age," Zavro said. "I pleaded with her, but she denied me."

"So what did you do?" Nora asked.

"Nothing," Zavro shrugged, looking past her. "I left the pond untouched, should she ever wish to return. She never did."

Nora's eyes flickered to Darhisu as Zavro spoke. She felt tension build in him, as his eyes sat on the table. He felt her gaze on him and glanced up for a moment, and Nora stared into his mind. She could see her mother's face, angry and disheveled.

Darhisu looked away and Nora sat back in her chair. She knew then that she was being lied to. "What was that?"

Zavro turned and looked at Darhisu. His face was stoic as he turned to his right-hand man.

"What was what?" Zavro asked.

"I'm asking him," Nora said to Darhisu. "I could see her." Nora stood and stared down at Darhisu, "You know what happened to her."

Darhisu turned to Zavro, unsure of what to say, and Nora took it as a confirmation.

"You had her killed?" Nora turned to Zavro, "You sent him to kill her? You couldn't even do it yourself?"

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