Chapter 20

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The following week passed rather quickly as Nora busied herself day and night in the library. She began practicing the new forms of magic that she read of, and took lessons from Zavro on what information he offered. Nora busied herself with these studies and ale as she waited for a response from Thor. But as much as she missed Thor, she enjoyed her time in Myrefall.

As the next sunrise came, Nora decided that it would be best to return to Asgard and retrieve Thor. Since Zavro knew that Loki was not her true betrothed, it would only be a matter of time before she would introduce him to her father. She wasn't sure how long she had been here. Weeks? Months?

Nora dressed and left her room in search of her father, whom she found busy in conversation with Loki over breakfast.

She eyed Loki as they approached, as she no longer understood why he persisted to be here in Myrefall. Loki had been moved to his own quarters since she confirmed they were not engaged, and she had not seen much of him since then.

"Good morning, my daughter," Zavro smiled as Nora approached.

"Morning," she said, placing her hands on the back of her chair. She did not sit down. "Zavro, I was hoping to speak to you."

"Go right on ahead," Zavro said.

Nora eyed Loki, but continued, "I wish to go back to Asgard."

Zavro smiled softly, "Of course, my daughter."

"I want to introduce you to my fiance, Thor," Nora said, "Would you like to accompany me?"

"How kind of you," Zavro said, "I would be delighted to meet this Thor, but I'm afraid I'm bound to Myrefall at this time. I have my own to attend to and cannot leave on such short notice."

"That's alright," Nora nodded. "I'll only be gone a short while."

With that, Nora decided she would take breakfast with Thor when she returned. Her heart warmed at the thought of being scooped into his arms after so many weeks apart. She hurried to her room to ready for the trip.

Once she left, Zavro turned to Loki, "Will you go with her?"

Loki scoffed, "It might be best if I leave, too, if Thor comes. My brother is not as forgiving as she..."

"So she has forgiven you?" Zavro asked.

"Not exactly," Loki mumbled.

"Worry not, Loki," Zavro said, "I do not foresee Thor, or his father, or any Asgardians coming here. For they have not come to this realm in quite some time."

"When was the last time an Asgardian came here?" Loki asked out of curiosity.

Zavro pondered the question, "How old is Nora?"

Nora set out from Myrefall's gates down the path to the pond. She was dressed in a set of leather trousers and a fleece, wool shirt. She had retired many of her dresses since arriving in Myrefall, as there were no formal customs that insisted she wore them. Part of her worried that Odin would be displeased to see her outside of formal attire, but she decided that it wasn't of importance to her.

She listened to the soft sound of the snow crunching beneath her feet as she followed the way. The silence of the woods otherwise was chilling. She thought there would be birds or other small creatures about, inhabiting the forest, but she felt as if she were alone.

That was until Loki appeared after her, running down the path to meet her before she had found the pond.

"Nora!" Loki said.

"What do you want, Loki?" Nora said, not slowing her pace.

Loki sprinted until he caught up with her, "Leaving so soon?"

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