Chapter 19

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Loki tapped his fingers nervously on the dining table in front of him. He had risen early that morning and procured the letter that Nora had written and assured her that he would take care of it. Nora, who was all too happy to stay in bed with her hangover that morning, allowed Loki to take care of it. She was assured that he was on his best behavior to stay in her good graces here. She hoped that he would pass back through with Gyda, and she would be free of them both.

Zavro and Darhisu walked forward with Gyda, who stood quietly amongst them. Loki knew it was her from the sour look on her face, but the quiet that followed was haunting.

"Zavro," Loki said as he stood to greet them.

"Do you have the letter?" Zavro asked, holding his hand out for it.

Loki nodded, but he did not present the letter to him. He had not opened it, despite how curious he found himself to be. He smiled, "Right here."

"Give it to me," Zavro said. "I wish to read it before we send it back through."

"I hardly find that necessary," Loki said. "She expressed only that she wished–"

"Read it to me then," Zavro sighed, taking a seat in his chair. It was a command.

Loki didn't want to open the letter. It was addressed to Thor, and he didn't wish to imagine them together. But under Zavro's command, Loki bit his tongue and unfolded the paper in his hand.

He cleared his throat, "My dearest Thor..." his eyes scanned over the words that followed for a moment before he continued, "I wish to tell you that I am well, I have found my birth father, and I am immersing myself in the origins of his people to better understand myself... I will not be returning any time soon, as there is much for me to find. Please forgive my notice, as I believe the date for our wedding should be postponed.."

"Postponed?" Zavro said with shock. He chewed over the thought, "I did not expect this. Let's revise this letter, hmm? Something along the lines of... I'll be back before you know it. I trust you miss me as much as I do you... your beloved, Arnora."

Loki watched the words change on the letter before his eyes. It felt like an evil trick, but he couldn't see what Zavro's distaste was for. Nora seemed pleased to be free of Asgard, wouldn't that be what Zavro wanted? His daughter to stay with him?

Loki folded the letter up in his hand and offered Zavro a smile. "I best get this letter on its way before the darling Arnora wakes."

Zavro smiled and waved him off. Loki turned and locked eyes with Gyda, "Let's go."

Loki charged down the path quickly as Gyda did her best to keep pace with him. She hadn't spoken a word to him since they started out. Actually, Loki hadn't heard her speak all morning.

"Nothing to say?" Loki asked her. "Aren't you surprised to see me?"

"Should I be?" Gyda mumbled.

Loki paused and turned to look at her, "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

"No," Gyda responded, an answer to both questions. They continued on.

The pond came into view and Loki slowed his feet for a moment. He glanced back over his shoulder and could just see the outline of Zavro's Village, which he had come to know its name as Myrefall.

"How are you going to get me through?" Gyda asked as they neared it.

"You're Vor's daughter," Loki said, "I think whatever resemblance of her magic that lives in you will help you pass through."

"I have no magic," Gyda let out a defeated laugh, "I don't want any."

Loki didn't care and ignored her words. As they reached the edge, Loki offered her the letter. She stared at it in his hand.

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