Chapter 17

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Nora wasn't sure how long they sat in their cell. It was likely a few hours, but it felt longer as Gyda rattled off her complaints and remarks. Nora's hands were bound together, shackled to a chain on the wall. Gyda's hands were bound, too, but she was free to roam their shared cell.

"This is absurd," Gyda said, standing on her toes to look out the small window on the door. "They can't keep us locked in here."

"They can, and they will," Nora replied, seeing the logic beyond her discomfort. "Just, rest. Be quiet. I need to think."

Gyda turned and looked at her sister. Nora looked tired but had fought off sleep since they were thrown in here.

"What do you make of those people?" Gyda asked her, not a minute later. "They're rather unhospitable. No bed. No water. No food."

"They're Dark Elves," Nora sighed. "We're prisoners."

"Yes, but you're to be Queen of Asgard. Don't they know that?" Gyda asked.

"They know since you told them as such," Nora rolled her eyes, still irked by Gyda's poor thinking. "As you can see, it doesn't mean much to them."

Gyda turned from the door and walked to sit in front of Nora, "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"Gyda, please, be quiet," Nora said, digging her feet into the ground. She had kicked her shoes off a while ago and was attempting to ground herself to their location. She had called Thor for help once before in doing so, and maybe she could again.

"I just don't get what they would want with us?" Gyda asked, ignoring Nora's request.

"Gyda," Nora said. "I think this has to do with mom."

Gyda gave her a look, "What? Why would it..."

Before Gyda could finish her sentence, the door rattled and opened. The Dark Elf that took them captive, who went by the name Darhisu, smiled at them. "Hello, ladies."

Gyda stood and backed away. Nora turned her head to look at him. Darhisu's focus was on her as he unbound her from the wall. "Zavro is ready to receive you."

He pulled Nora to her feet and began to march her from the room. Nora turned over to see Gyda still in the corner. She planted her feet, "Her, too."

"Zavro does not want the mortal," Darhisu responded.

"She's under my protection, she comes with me," Nora said. She wished to keep an eye on her sister.

Darhisu shrugged, "Let's go."

Gyda and Nora followed after him. He led them down dark, cold corridors until they reached a dining hall. Sitting on a large chair at the end, with a goblet of wine in hand, was a large Dark Elf. This was Zavro.

Gyda and Nora could not take their eyes off of him. He looked significantly younger than the other Dark Elves that they had seen. He was dressed in satin and had glossy eyes. He placed his fingertips together as they approached, studying the two girls that strode forward.

Darhisu threw Nora and Gyda to their knees in front of him. Gyda fell forward onto her hands, but Nora managed to gracefully take the fall while keeping her eyes trained on this man. She couldn't will herself to look away.

"Unbind them," Zavro commanded.

"Sir, I think that unwise," Darhisu said. He pointed to Nora, "This one is powerful."

"As I hope she would be," Zavro said, encouraging his command.

Darhisu removed their cuffs and freed their hands.

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