Chapter 4

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Having been forced into Gyda's old dresses most of her life, Nora felt a certain kind of joy when she slipped into the gown Odin had sent for her. It fit her like a glove. Gyda helped her tie up the back, but left Nora to tend to her own hair and makeup. To which Nora chose to do as little as possible.

Nora fetched herself a glass of wine while her sister finished getting ready. She was unsure of what the night would entail, and it brought on an unsettling amount of nerves.

"Arnora," Ulfar tisked her. "Must you be drinking already? What would Thor think of that?"

Where Nora was ready to defend her choices, the front door peeked open just in time. Thor stepped in with a smile on his face, "I should be the one pouring it for her."

"Thor," Nora smiled. She reached out a hand and he walked over and took it. He squeezed it gently as a hello and then turned to shake Ulfar's hand.

"Welcome," Ulfar smiled. "Shouldn't you be at the gala already?"

"I should," Thor agreed. He turned to Nora, "I had hoped to escort Arnora."

Nora blushed. Her heart fluttered at his very forward and equally sweet gesture.

"I suppose we better go then," Nora smiled. She winked at her father, "I'll see you both there."

Thor held the front door open for Nora as she walked through. Ulfar waved them off.

The sun was just beginning to set, casting the sky in an orange hue. Thor looped his arm into hers, proudly strutting towards Odin's castle.

"You look beautiful," Thor whispered to her. He was nearly lifting her off the ground with every step he took. She was embodied in gold, and it only made her glow stronger to him.

"You look very nice, as well," she said. Thor wore a suit of sorts, grey and rustic red in color. It fit him rather nicely.

"Nora, may I speak honestly?" he asked her.

"Of course," she replied, peaked with curiosity.

"I have deeply enjoyed the time we have spent together," Thor said. He placed his hand on hers. "And I pray Odin sees what I see in you."

"Thor," Nora blushed. The nerves settled in her stomach, "This is all going so fast."

"No, no," Thor backtracked. "Forgive me, I only wish to be honest as I feel I can be so with you. All I hope is that I can still spend time with you. I ask nothing more, for now."

She smiled and nodded, "I can do that."

They continued on to the party, acquiring plenty of onlookers. When they arrived at the front gates to the castle, they found the party to be in full swing. Two pitchers of ale were immediately brought to them, cold and foaming.

"Skol," Thor smiled as they tapped their glasses together.

"Skol," Nora said back.

They walked forward. Thor introduced Nora to almost everyone he could, and Nora could only keep track of so many names. Eventually, Thor was wrapped up in conversation with one of his friends and Nora found herself the chance to slip away. She was sure Thor would come looking for her once he had finished his conversation.

Also, she looked for Loki. Her eyes scanned the room, hoping to find a flash of emerald green and dark hair. She could barely sense his presence and was sure anything she could sense was due to being within his home.

Nora gave up on her search and found her way out to the balcony. She should have checked there first, as Loki stood alone waiting for her.

"Took you long enough..." he smirked at the sight of her. His eyes washed over her body, the way her gown accented her figure overwhelmed him. "You look... radiant."

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