Chapter 6

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It had been a week since Nora invaded Gyda's mind. Gyda refused to come from her room while Nora was home. While Loki had charmed her to forget, Gyda still felt Nora's touch in her mind. She knew her sister had done something to her. But, she also knew that whatever Nora had found in her mind only cast her away. Thor had learned of their fight the next day when he came to visit and had done his best to console Nora. She found comfort in his large arms, and the supply of ale he could provide.

Loki worried about the influence he had on Nora. She had changed so much in such a short time, and he deemed himself the cause. But he also was insatiably selfish with her. He knew she was to visit the castle that afternoon for some lessons with Frigga. He had sent her a note to come find him after, and she was timely.

Loki smiled as her figure entered his bedroom. She had never been there before, as their love affairs had taken them most elsewhere for privacy. Nora pushed the door shut behind her as she took in the room.

"My flower," Loki smiled. "I wasn't expecting you till later."

"I finished early," she smiled at him. He held his arms out to her, and she rushed to him. She tackled him onto his bed, making quick work to smother him in kisses. Loki allowed her praise and soaked up the affection.

Nora kissed down his neck and bit lightly into his neck. She swirled her tongue on him and ran it down to his collarbones, which she couldn't resist nibbling.

Her hands roamed his chest, working to push aside his clothing as she traveled lower on him. Loki allowed her to do what she wanted. He was aroused from the moment she stepped in the door.

Nora settled her fingers into his pants and tugged them from his waist. His cock sprung outward and landed right in front of her lips. She cast him a coy smile before licking a stripe up the underside. He moaned feverishly at the touch and was desperate for more. She swirled her tongue around the swollen tip before wrapping her lips around it. She pulled her mouth back with a popping sound, and it radiated in Loki's ears.

She opened her mouth wide and engulfed him, filling her throat with his hard cock. He shivered as she bobbed up and down on it.

Loki sat up and wrapped himself around her, his hands tangled into her hair to guide her. It was a sight to see, her taking his full length into her mouth. Her eyes flicked up at him for a moment to see the lustful expression on his face. It was purely erotic.

Nora pulled back and wiped her drool from her lips. Loki reached forward and tugged at her clothes, struggling to pull them off of her fast enough. His need for her was catastrophic.

Stripped bare, Nora crawled onto the bed beside Loki. He quickly stood to his knees and positioned himself behind her. His hand found its way to her throat and pulled her to his chest, placing wet kisses down her neck. While she was distracted by his mouth, his fingers dipped down between her thighs and massaged her folds. They dipped right into her wetness as a moan escaped both of their lips.

Loki couldn't wait any longer and positioned himself into her. He plunged deeply, nearly cumming on the spot. He released Nora, who fell down onto her hands. He pulled out and plunged back in, muttering profanities with each stroke. He couldn't understand how much pleasure Nora brought him. It was unlike anyone he had ever met.

And then the tap opened. He poured his soul into Nora's as she did to him, tangling in each other's minds to share their pleasure. It was pure euphoria, and they both felt their combined orgasms building.

"Loki, I'm going to..." Nora managed to say before Loki cut her off.

"I know!" he said as his hands gripped her thighs. He held on as long as he could before he felt her tighten around him. It drove him mad and he couldn't hold out any longer, "Cum, Nora."

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