Chapter 8

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Nora tossed and turned in her sleep. She normally slept through the night, but her mind was vexed. She couldn't trace why, as if the chatter refused to quiet. As sleep finally overcame her, she drifted into a beautiful dream. She gazed at a large set of mountains, lush, tall green grass, and fruit trees.

Nora wandered to the tree and plucked a pear from its grasp and bit into it as she wandered around to the other side. The light caught her eyes and blinded her for a moment. When she could see again, she saw a figure standing down by the river. Long black hair sporting a green tailcoat.

She broke into a sprint down to the water's edge. And as she ran, she didn't feel she was getting much closer. She ducked under trees and stumbled on roots until the figure finally grew closer. He turned around and watched her, allowing her to meet the rest of the distance.

"Loki," she said as she slowed.

He smiled at her, "Hello, my flower."

She looked around, "Am I dreaming?"

"Quite," Loki said, staring at her for longer than he was proud of. He cleared his throat, "I came to talk to you."

"Where are you?" Nora asked. She stepped closer to him, but Loki manifested the distance to remain the same, no matter how far she stepped.

"I'm here," he told her, which didn't say much.

Nora shook her head. Suddenly she was out of questions because she knew her answers wouldn't come. She sighed, "I've missed you."

"Have you?" Loki asked. His tongue bit like a whip. "Thor hasn't kept you company?"

Nora reeled from the hit, "You've been gone for months."

"So, you admit it," Loki nodded. "This was all part of Odin's plan."

"Loki..." she sighed. She stepped closer again, and this time she was able to move closer to him. "There's still time."

"Time for what?" he snapped, his face flushed red. He hadn't expected reaching out to her to have gone so poorly, but he hadn't expected himself to behave better either.

"For us," she said. She tilted her head to the side and frowned, "Or have your feelings for me gone?"

"What feelings?" he spat. "You think I cared for you?"

She dodged the verbal hit there. She could see the wall he was throwing up around himself. She stepped closer and took his hand into hers and ran her fingers over his palm.

"Why did you come to me?" she asked. She stared up into his eyes, where he was at a loss for words.

His shoulders softened, and with a low mumble he spoke, "I wanted to... I..."

Apologize was the word he was looking for, but he couldn't bring himself to fully say so. What was the point of stirring her in her sleep if he was so far gone?

Nora dropped his hand, "Come home."

"No," Loki told her.

"Why not?" Nora asked.

Loki looked out across the water. "There will never be a place for me in Asgard to be happy."

"I thought you were happy with me," Nora told him.

Her words caught him by surprise. He reached out for her and pulled her lips to his. He held her tightly to him in a needy passion, but in this dream-like state, he could barely feel her. Not in the way he wanted to. But by the gods, if that was all he could have, he would take it.

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