Chapter 25 - Loki's Ending

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In the months that followed Nora's departure from Asgard, she took to traveling everywhere she could. Her mother had written in exquisite details of the journeys she took when she was Nora's age, and Nora intended to follow where she had gone.

She took on new identities, found new lovers, and made new friends everywhere she went. She practiced changing her appearance, changing her hair, her clothes, and more in an attempt to establish herself. But, it seemed most everywhere she went, she missed having a companion. She even snuck back into Asgard to ask Sif if she might join her for an adventure, but Sif required there to be a battle to leave her post in Asgard.

Nora eventually embraced that she was alone in the world. She took to venturing beyond the realm she had known most of her life. After her father passed, she found her way to the world of Sakaar, a stand-alone planet where lost things landed. She had no intention of being on Sakaar and wasn't sure how she had arrived, but took to the lifestyle of the planet as if it was meant for her.

While Nora took little interest in fighting in the arena, she was quite a fan of the crowd's enthusiasm. She offered her services to the Grandmaster to spice up the games and the city. She helped the arena blossom, as well as the city around it, with her natural affinity for nature and its rewards. The dustbowl of a city took to the arena as a thank-you for their drinkable water and yielding crops, which made the Grandmaster rather fond of Nora.

Nora studied her reflection in her suite as she debated what to wear to the Grandmaster's soiree that evening. Something tapered, yet flowy, stylish, but sexy. Something that covered enough skin to leave the mind to imagine the rest. While Nora had turned down every offer to be included in one of the Grandmaster's orgies, she had explored the other attractive folk of this planet on occasion. And for some reason, she felt enticed tonight.

The Grandmaster's parties were always a spectacle, to which Odin's dinner parties could never compare. A glass of bubbling wine was placed in Nora's hands the moment she entered. She gracefully cascaded into the room in an emerald sheath dress, scanning the crowd for her friends. She mingled her way through the room, catching up with people the Grandmaster had introduced her to that she could recall the names of.

She found the Grandmaster sitting on the largest couch in the room with half-dressed dancers hovering around him. She smiled as she walked over and took a seat beside him, leaning into the velvet couch with her champagne. She sipped it and smiled, "Nice party."

"Nice legs," the Grandmaster said, taking in her appearance with a smile. "You're dressed up for the evening."

"I'm feeling spirited, En Dwi," she confirmed. "What are we celebrating tonight?"

"My new friend!" the Grandmaster told her. "You'll have to meet this guy, he's great. A bit of a weasly one, but sexy as all hell. I think you'd like him."

Nora downed the wine and took Grandmaster's empty glass, "I'll fetch us another, and then you can introduce me to your new friend."

"Yes, yes, please," he said. "I need you to do that mind-reading thing you do and tell me if I can trust him or not."

Nora chuckled and curtseyed to confirm that she would help her friend. She sought out a fresh round of bubbles and turned back to see the Grandmaster talking to a head of jet-black hair and green robes. She paused for a moment, shifting her foot to sense those around her to see if it really could be. But before she could sense his aura, he turned around as the Grandmaster gestured to her. She locked eyes with her old love before shaking her sense of shock off and coming to walk towards him.

Loki's expression faltered into a soft shock for a moment, before returning to a coy smile. Meanwhile, his heart skipped many beats before falling back into its normal rhythm at the sight of his little flower. It had been many years since he had seen her last, and he thought he would never cross paths with her again.

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