Chapter 14

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News spread quickly of Thor and Nora's engagement. Odin declared a festival would be held immediately to celebrate the betrothed couple, as the royal courting season had concluded. This involved a parade around Asgard, a three-night feast, and an invitation for every Asgardian to attend.

Nora was rather thrilled at the engagement. It established security on how the rest of her life was to proceed. To marry Thor, stand by his side as Queen of Asgard, bear his children, and provide counsel for his rule of the nine realms. It seemed to be laid out for her.

The city of Asgard was rather excited about the wedding. It had been some time since a celebration of this stature had occurred. Flowers were strung up in every banister, flags were hung off every balcony, and soon enough caricatures of Thor and Nora began bubbling around. It was the token of a royal wedding to be had.

"This is just the engagement festivities?" Nora asked Sif. They stood on a balcony overlooking Asgard and watched as decorations were strung as far as the eye could see.

"Apparently," Sif rolled her eyes. "I'm sure your wedding will last a whole week."

"Goodness," Nora said, placing her hand on her forehead.

"Only the best for the future queen of Asgard," Sif winked at her. Nora appreciated the light mocking of her title to be.

Nora shook her head, "It still feels like all too much."

"Well, enjoy it," Sif said. "It's been quite a year."

"That it has," Nora sighed. "And somehow, my life is more confusing now than it was before this."

"Oh?" Sif asked. "Is that a good or bad thing?"

"I'm not sure," Nora explained, "A year ago I was just a common girl. Now I'm a..."

"Trained witch?" Sif filled in her sentence.

"I'm not sure I would call myself that, but something like it," Nora shrugged.

"And you had both sons of Odin fall for you," Sif said, "That's certainly of note."

Nora nodded. There had been no sign or word from Loki in months. Not since she returned from the Ice Giant's lair. She'd like to say that he never crossed her mind, but on occasion, something he said would bubble up in her consciousness. Then, she'd spend a moment remembering him, and letting the memory go.

"Don't remind me," Nora said, rubbing her arms. She turned from the balcony and strode back inside. Sif followed after.

"So..." Sif mulled, "When are you going to go ask your father about your mother?"

Nora turned and gave her a look, "Who told you about that?"

"Thor," Sif outed immediately. "He thought I could accompany you, as Gyda seems to have a distaste for me as well."

"I'm planning to eventually," Nora said. "But, my father seems to be pained when speaking of her. I don't want to drag up unnecessary sadness."

"I wouldn't call it unnecessary, Nora," Sif sympathized. "It's kind of you to mind your father's feelings, but he's a grown man. He can handle it."

Nora knew she was right. She had put off visiting her family since the engagement because the engagement would supersede any other conversation to be had.

"Come on," Sif offered, "I'll go with you. What else do you have to attend to today?"

Nora mulled it over, "I suppose nothing of note compared to this."

Sif led Nora to the front doors and walked beside her as they headed to town. Most of the townsfolk would stop and wave hello to her as if they were fans. It was a kind of attention she had never expected to be cast upon her, and it was slightly overwhelming. Sure, Thor carried the same attention when they strode around Asgard, but she always assumed that attention was solely directed at him.

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