Chapter 12

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Thor and Nora walked through the castle, arm and arm, in search of breakfast that next morning. On their way, they found Odin and Frigga awaiting them. Odin informed her that he wished to speak to Thor, and asked if he could have a moment with his son. Before she could answer, Frigga held a hand out to her.

"Would you join me for a cup of tea?" she asked.

"Of course," Nora nodded. Thor kissed Nora's forehead and released her.

Once Nora and Frigga were out of sight, Odin turned to his son. He tilted his head and took in Thor's lovesick expression, "Tell me, my son, why do you wait to wed this girl?"

"Father," Thor sighed. "I've told you. I wish to wait for the right time."

"When will the right time be?" Odin asked.

"When I deem it so," Thor said. "Father, do you worry?"

Odin shook his head, "Should Loki wish to return in vengeance, I worry what his wrath may bring. I wish to see you wed before he comes for my head."

"Loki would not see you dead, Father," Thor said. "He's played many tricks, but that is beyond him."

Odin thought to explain his choices to his son, but decided to keep his secrets. "I just see how taken you are. Just as taken as I was with your mother."

"I do intend to propose to her," Thor clarified to his father. "But, she only returned from Jotunheim. I don't mean to rush her."

"That's very noble and understandable," Odin nodded. "But don't keep me waiting."

Nora took a seat on a balcony beside Frigga as she brewed a kettle of tea. Nora was used to taking tea with Frigga on many occasions, especially during their lessons.

"Tell me, Nora," Frigga said as she sat. "You saw my son on your journey."

Nora knew she spoke of Loki, "I did. He does not seem well."

"I can see why," she said. She tilted her head, "And you? Are you well?"

Nora nodded, "I think so."

Frigga studied her, "I sense a change in you."

"What do you mean?" Nora asked.

"It feels that you are split in two," Frigga said, taking hold of Nora's hand. "You love them both."

"In different ways," Nora admitted. "Please don't think any reservations I've had for Loki would make me love Thor any less."

"I never said they did, my dear," Frigga assured her. "But your aura is not the same as it was before your journey."

"I feel that change, too," Nora said. "Frigga, I've wielded magic in ways I have not been taught. In ways that I did not know I could."

"Have you told anyone?" she asked.

"I'm not sure who else might understand," Nora confided.

"Even I have my secrets, Nora," Frigga told her, "But should I ever need counsel, I trust Odin to understand."

"I suppose Thor would understand," Nora nodded.

"And I am here for you if need be," Frigga said. "Do these abilities alarm you?"

Nora bit her lip, thinking of how she cast a hex on her sister. "Not yet. I just... did not know I was capable of such things."

"You're capable of great things, Nora," Frigga said. "But, magic can yield certain costs if not wielded wisely."

Nora looked up at her words, "Frigga, did you know my mother?"

Frigga looked away as the kettle began to boil. She stood and quickly made tea for them both, her back turned to Nora, "I knew who your mother was, yes."

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