Chapter 3

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Nora awoke some hours later with a throbbing headache and drenched in the smell of ale. She groaned as she sat up, in a desperate search for water. Upon her venture to the kitchen, she found her father and sister in a delightful mood.

"You reek," Gyda said. "Where did you go today?"

"They went to the alehouse," Ulfar informed her. "Her and Thor!"

Apparently, Thor had stayed for a chat, and a pint, with Ulfar before going on his way.

"Oh, right," Gyda rolled her eyes. She already knew where Nora and Thor had gone. She had sat right next to him while he chatted with Ulfar, hanging on his every word. Thor was a good sport and tried to entice Gyda into the conversation, as he had hoped it to help settle her quarrel with Nora. It worked slightly.

"I know," Nora groaned. She fetched herself water and downed the whole thing.

"Did you two have fun?" Gyda asked her.

"Yes, actually, we did," Nora said. "Thor carries conversation in such a joyous manner."

"That's lovely to hear, my dear," Ulfar smiled at her. "I suspect we'll be seeing more of him."

"Um, perhaps," Nora said. Her mind was flushed with memories of Thor that day. She did truly have fun with him and felt as if she was a part of his world at that time.

"Arnora, go take a bath, please," Gyda said. "All I can smell is ale in here."

Nora laughed, "I will."

So Nora returned to her room and to the private bath inside. She started the water in the large, claw-foot tub and added a variety of oils and soaps to cause the water to bubble. She scanned her eyes around, igniting every candle in her vicinity to illuminate the room with a soft glow. She plucked a rose from Thor's bouquet and pulled its petals apart, scattering them into the running water.

Nora stripped down into her silk robe. She plucked the ball of light from her nightstand and brought it with her to the bath. She sunk into the hot water with bubbles up to her nose. Her hair hung behind her over the surface of the tub and onto the floor.

She reached out for her little ball of light. It floated from where it sat to her fingers and began to twirl around her fingers on its own. She watched it move with fascination and wondered how it had stayed illuminated for so long. It made her feel connected to Loki.

Her outing with Thor confused her greatly. She had intended to avoid the notions of the courting season at that party and hoped that her sister would find success. Yet, Thor had come to spend the day with her. To listen to her thoughts, and dreams, and promise her fantasies of leaving Asgard and new adventures.

Yet, her heart ached for her time at the pond. She should have minded that her hidden escape had been found, but she didn't mind that Loki had stumbled upon her there. In fact, she thought he might have been searching for her.

"Oh, Loki," she sighed into the little ball of light. It continued to dance, tickling the air around her fingers.

This time, Nora could feel his approach. Yet, she was still just as surprised as Loki appeared in the doorway to her bathroom. A sultry smile was stuck on his face, "Hello, my flower."

Nora was thankful for the number of bubbles shielding her nude self from him. Her cheeks flushed pink.

"Loki, what are you doing here?" she asked in disbelief.

"You called, I answered," he smiled. He raked her in, hiding beneath the foam of her bath.

"I'm not dressed," Nora said, stating the obvious.

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