Chapter 24

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"What did you see?" Loki further questioned what Nora meant as she caught her breath. She felt a surge of power in her mind, but it was untethered and couldn't be controlled. Her fear of her father raging war on Asgard brought her to her senses.

Loki asked her again what she had seen, but she tuned him out as she sought to meditate. She sat up straight and her eyes grew dark as she projected herself outside of her body.

"Nora?" Loki asked, taking note of her open black eyes. When he realized that she could not hear him, or was choosing not to, he sat back in fascination and watched. He clasped his hands together, hoping that whatever she was doing would be worth it.

Nora walked upstairs to find that a ball was being held. At the top of the stairs, she saw Thor and Sif standing in formal attire. She had her hand on his arm and looked happy. He was smiling too, and overall Odin looked pleased.

She knew that no one could see her as she approached them, passing through the small space between Sif and Thor. They both felt her presence and stepped apart from each other as Nora continued to Odin.

Nora placed her hands on Odin's throat and forehead, "Release me."

Odin's head tilted to the ceiling without his control. He blinked in shock as he pawed at his throat. Thor rushed to his side and shook his father, "What's wrong? What is it?"

Odin could not speak from the grip Nora had on his throat. He shifted his eyes to the space where Nora stood, trying to find her in the space. She masked herself well, and besides feeling her nails digging into his throat, he could not fight back against her.

"Release. Me," Nora repeated into his ear. He heard her loud and clear. "War is coming."

"It's Nora," Sif said, "It has to be."

"Nora, don't hurt him," Thor pleaded as he saw the marks of her nails against his father's throat.

Nora turned her stare to Thor, who looked around frantically for her. She couldn't believe that Thor was defending his treacherous father, and her emotions brought her physical form to be seen. But because she had such love for Thor, she released her grip on Odin's throat. She stepped back and watched as Odin took a breath. Thor and Sif stared at her, a dark glow emanating around her transparent form.

Nora lost her hold and reverted to her body in the next instant. She gasped as she came to, causing Loki to stand up and walk to the glass. "Where did you go?"

"I tried to persuade Odin," she said, clenching her hands, angry with her failure.

"How'd that go?" Loki asked.

"To be expected," Nora shook her head.

Back at the party, Thor turned his anger towards his father, "What just happened?"

"Nothing for you to worry about," Odin said, placing his hand over this throat. "Go on, enjoy the party with your guests."

"Not until you tell me what you've done with Nora," Thor demanded. "I saw her."

"I already told you, she left–"

"What you told me were lies," Thor said, his voice booming across the room. The party came to a halt, "Where is she?"

"She is with your brother," Odin told him, which was true as it was untrue. "Do not waste your breath on her any longer."

Nora felt anger in her soul. Her temper was at its peak as she paced her cell, braving the pain of the cuffs she wore as she did her best to pry them apart. When she couldn't break them, she took to banging them on the wall in front of her. It didn't hurt nearly as much as when she tried to pry them off, so she struck the wall again.

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