Chapter One

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There was a time where I thought there was nothing left to live for. My baby sister passed away in a car accident and I was the one driving. A drunk guy ran a red light and smashed into my car killing my baby sister Tara on the spot, she was only 7 years old. My parents and my younger brother who's only 16 keep telling me it is not my fault, but I can't help but blame myself for her death. I wish she was still here, it should have been me that died that night. Now I have to live the rest of my life knowing she is gone, the guilt, and that the guy who killed her is in prison for 1-2 more years.

    I recently moved to Miami Florida to get a fresh start. I want to start looking for a job soon. Tonight I am going to a bar to drink a bit before I have to put my full focus on work. I get dressed and put on a nice short red dress that hugs my hips and shows off my curves. I grab my purse and I head off to the bar.

    When I arrive, I go in and take a seat at the bar, surveying the people surrounding me.

"Can I get a dirty Martini please?" I asked the bartender, he smiled and nodded. I look around and I come eye to eye with someone. He has short brown hair, sharp jawline and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes I've ever seen. He stands around, I would say maybe 6'3".

"Here you go ma'am," the bartender hands me my drink. I was about pay when someone cut me off.

"Can you get me a beer and put her drink on my tab, thank you," a deep voice came from behind me. I look up to see the hot guy I had seen earlier.

"You don't have to, I can pay for my own drink," I told him

"Please, I insist, my name is Ashton Williams," He said and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you M. Williams, I'm Aubrey Cooper," I smiled as I responded. He was hot and I wasn't sure why someone like him was talking to me. There were so many things wrong with me and all I wanted to do was find myself again.

"Please call me Ashton, are you here with a friend or are you here alone?" M. Williams asked.

"I'm here alone, I just moved here so I don't have many friends." I replied. I needed to get out and meet new people to try and move on. That was my goal today but not much luck, instead I only met him.

"Where did you come from?" it seemed more like he was interrogating me than anything.

"A lot of questions you have M. Williams, I came here from North Carolina. I came here because I wanted a fresh start." I told him as I took a sip of my martini. He gave me a small glare after calling him M. Williams.

"I was born in North Carolina, moved here to start my business a couple years back. I haven't been back since," He said without a smile and I think that triggered something.

"How old are you?" I asked him how old he was, hoping to bring his beautiful smile back. His smile is truly breathtaking.

"I'm 26 and you?" a small smile flickered back on his face as i replied  "I'm 23."

When neither of us said anything,  I finish my drink a little too fast and ordered another, signalling to the bartender.

"Another one please, thank you," The bartender nodded and I look up at Ashton , just admiring him. Up close you can really see his sharp jawline and he was pretty fit. His shoulders were broad and he is a lot tallow than I was, I'm around 5"5'. He was definitely a sight to look at.

"You done staring? You know, people say it is rude to stare at someone," he chuckles as I move my head away blushing. He caught me staring at him, which was embarrassing enough without the comments. As if that comment wasn't enough he adds, "You look cute when you blush you know,"

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