Chapter Fourteen

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When we got home the boys went off to bed and I went to the kitchen to get myself a coffee. I know it's late but I don't think I'll be able to sleep at this point. There's so much on my mind and I want to get myself prepared for work tomorrow. There's some files that I needed to do so I went to my work bag and got them. I sat at the counter with my coffee, messy bun, my glasses and a pen.

I suddenly feel hands wrap around my neck and I knew it was Ashton . I leaned my head on his hands and he gave me a kiss on my neck and kept them there. He bit my neck and started to suck on it. I let out a quiet moan which made him grin against my neck.
"Baby, what are you doing up? I thought you were coming to our room?" He asked started to rub my neck/back. I leaned into him and holy mother of wow this feels amazing.

"Just thought I'd get some work done for tomorrow. You know get ahead of things, I wasn't tired anyways so.." I told him and I know him enough to know that he's shaking his head lightly right now. He's kind of a hypocrite but he doesn't like it when I work late or too much. However, I'm stressed out and it helps to work on this.

"Baby, it's okay you don't have to work. It's midnight and you really shouldn't be drinking coffee at this hour," he scolded me at the end. He took the coffee away from me and I reached for it like a baby.

"Hey! Give that back! That's a waste of coffee if you throw it out!" I yelled and he shook his head and dumped it down the drain. I pouted and continued to do the work. "I swear if you take these papers away too I'm sleeping on the couch!"

I would rather be working right now, I don't want to deal with another nightmare and bother him with it. There are reasons why I don't want to go to bed right now. I'll most likely end up sleeping on the couch because I don't want to bother him.

"Princess, please come to bed. It's late and we have work tomorrow and then I'll let you work on these papers. As your boss I am telling you not to do them right now," he said an gave me a 'listen to your boss right now' look and I threw my head back and sighed.

"Fine! You win! I'll come to bed," I got up and I walked passed him up to Dean's room. I know I'm being dramatic but Dean being there may stop me from having a nightmare. However before I could even open his door I felt bad if I woke him up. I went to his room and just crawled into my side of the bed.

"Princess, are you mad at me?" He asked me and I didn't respond to him. He sighed and I felt the bed dip. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. "I'm sorry if I upset you baby, please don't be mad at me. I just want you to get some rest, you're going to get too much stress if you worked all night."

I sighed knowing that he was probably right, however I think I'll be stressed no matter what I do. I turn around and faced him, I looked into his eyes and he flashed me a playful pout. I moved up a bit and pecked his lips. "I'm not mad at you Ash,"

He pulled me tight and kissed my head, "I'm glad to hear that, now get some rest Princess,"

With that I fell into my slumber.


I felt someone gently shaking me which caused me to open my eyes. I look up only to see Ashton looking down at me with a smile. He leaned down to kiss me but, I moved my face to the side so he kissed my cheek instead.

"What was that for?" He pouted like a child which made me giggle

"I have morning breath, you're not kissing me until I brush my teeth," I said and got up to run to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me so he wouldn't come in.

I took a quick shower and then blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth and applied some light make up so it will cover the look of being a tired zombie. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Ashton doing his tie and I walked over to him to help him out. I pulled his tie up and he gave me a smile.

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