Chapter Eleven

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When we arrived we immediately ordered some tequila and vodka shots. Tonight is going to be a crazy night. We are enjoying ourselves.

"So, how are you and your boyfriend?" Brandon asked me and I smiled at the thought of him.

"We are really good, he asked me to move in with him. I said I'd think about it and I might accept it," I told them and Kylie squealed but Brandon just gave a nod.

"I'm going to go get us another round of drinks for celebration," Kylie said and walked away. I then looked to Brandon and lifted an eyebrow.

"Why are you so gloomy tonight? It's suppose to be a fun time," I asked Brandon because it's starting to make me upset he isn't having fun.

"I'm fine Bry, It's is it early to be moving in with him?" He asked me. I didn't know that this was the problem... why would he care?

"I don't know, maybe? I have been living there and he came to mine. It would give Dean someone to play with. Besides I really like Ashton though, he is a good guy," I responded and he nodded. He gave me a smile and it was a genuine one too. Kylie came back and we that is where we all got shit faced drunk.

Once we were at our 8th or maybe it was 10th shot I don't remember.. we decided to all go dancing. When we were this guy came up to me and held my by my waist quite strongly. I mean he looked hot but not as hot as my Ash. No one could beat him, but this guy was not letting go of me.

"Let go of me, I have a boyfriend," I tried to wiggle out but he didn't budge. I tried to look around for Kylie and Brandon but my vision was blurry. "Seriously get off of me please,"

"I don't see your boyfriend anywhere," he smirked and gripped my waist tighter.

"I'm right here, so I suggest you get your filthy hands off of her," I heard someone say and I was immediately released. I looked to see who it was and it was Brandon. The guy ran off and I went into Brandon's arms and sobbed. I didn't know what would have happened if he didn't come at that time.

We left right after and Brandon was sober enough to drive us home. I sat in the back with Kylie while crying. I couldn't help myself I was drunk and emotional. I didn't want to think about how I could have potentially gotten raped if it wasn't for Brandon being there at the time he was.

"Shhhh, Bry everything is okay. We are almost to Ashton's place," Kylie cooed and I nodded. My eyes felt heavy and before I knew it I passed out.

*Ashton 's POV*

It's currently midnight and the boys are asleep. I was worried about Aubrey because she said she was going to be home late. I kept looking at the time until I heard a car door close. I figured it was them so I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Kylie next to Brandon who was carrying Aubrey. Her arms were around his neck but she almost seemed lifeless. I went to them and grabbed her from him. There were tear stains on her cheek which made me sad and angry. What happened when they were out?

"She needs rest and needs you by her side more than ever," Brandon said looking really concerned.

"What happened to her? Did something go wrong?" There was a lump in my thought and I was trying to maintain my anger. Brandon stayed quiet for a bit and gulped and regret was held in his eyes.

"She will tell you when she wakes up, It is not my place to tell. If she doesn't remember I'll tell you then," was all Brandon said and Kylie was leaning on Brandon. She looked tired as well, not wanting to keep them up I nodded and let them go home to sleep.

I brought Aubrey to my room and before I could lay her down her arms tighten around my neck. She whimpered and didn't let go of me. My heart broke when I heard her let out a sob.

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