Chapter Eighteen

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I stormed out of the room and I went to our room to change. I wasn't actually angry because I knew he had to work. So I figured I'd go get change and then go help him with the work load so we can get to cuddle faster. After I change I go back down and heard the door bell.

It rang again and again, I picked up my pace to get the door

"Coming!" I yelled out

I got to the door and was shocked who I saw. It was the guy from the car accident. Why is he here?
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked "Where's Ashton ?"

Does he seriously not remember who I am?

"You're- you're the one who crashed into me all those years ago! You are the reason I lost my baby sister!" I screamed out and I couldn't help but let my emotions take over as tears fell on my cheeks. I was shaking I was furious. I can't believe that I am seeing him again.

"You're the reason that I was sent to Jail! That wasn't necessary! I didn't mean for that to happen! If you were watching-"

I cut him off, "If I was watching?! You were drunk! I had a green light! If you weren't drunk that wouldn't happen and I would still have my little sister!"

Someone came behind me and hugged me to their chest. I turned around and hurried my fact into his chest as I cried. "shh baby, it's okay" Ashton whispered into my ear.

"Hi brother," Caleb said, "I want my son, where is he?"

I back up and I look at him. Did he just say brother? Caleb and Ashton were brothers?! Did Ashton know this whole entire time that it was his brother that was involved in my accident? Did he not tell me? He knew how much this affected me!

"What?" I said and Ashton starred at me. Guilt, anger and pain was held in his eyes.

"You are not getting Blake. You just got out and clearly you've been drinking again. You caused your son pain, my girlfriend pain. You took her sister away from her family," Ashton said as calmly as he could. I know Ashton had no part in this but I was still upset.

"Did you know?" I asked "Did you know your brother was the reason of the accident?"

He looked at me as guilt took over his eyes. "I only just found out when Abigail told me,"

He knew and it seemed like he had no plan on telling me either. I ran up to our room and I packed a bag. I needed space to think.

"Aubrey what are you doing?" I heard Ashton behind me

"I can't be here right now. You knew and you didn't tell me, you didn't even seem to have plan on telling me." I told him "I need time to clear my head, he's here and I can't look at him. I'm going to my parents house."

I finish picking my clothes and headed top Deans room. He didn't try to stop me he looked defeated. "Dean get some things we are going to mom and dads,"

"Why? I was going to hang out with-" I cut him off in case Caleb was in the house. As much as I was upset and angry I will not let him take Blake away from Ashton.
"Get your stuff and come on I'll tell you in the car." He nodded and grabbed a few things and we headed out. We saw Caleb outside and and I knew this wasn't good for Dean.

"Look, I'm sorry about the accident. I shouldn't have been driving but I want my son back," He said

"No, the accident was your fault. You are the reason we don't have our little sister. As for Blake, he is in Ashton 's care. If you weren't an alcoholic we would have our sister and you would have Blake. Go. Home. Leave Ashton and HIS son alone. I don't want to look at you any longer," I said and grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him along. "Dean that is why we are going to our parents house, the man that killed our sister. Ashton knew and didn't tell me. Given he just found out last night but he showed no sign he was going to tell me. We will come back just a couple days to clear my head,"

He nodded but he looked angry and slightly upset, "I get that he didn't tell you about his brother but it could have been to protect you. I get that his brother did it and I'm pissed off at him, but Ashton had no part in it. He has to fight for Blake against Caleb and now you left him. He is vulnerable. He didn't tell you but I'm sure it was for your own benefit. You were already stressed out about work. Not to mention what happen last night. I heard Ashton last night when he spoke to his mom. I knew he knew but he had good intentions. We shouldn't leave,"

I hate when he was right, I let my emotions cloud my judgment. I grabbed our stuff and we walked back into the house. We heard sobbing coming from Blakes room and I go up and I see Ashton trying to comfort Blake. Ashton looked up and saw me to say he looked shocked was an understatement. I went over and I hugged Blake.

"Shhhh Blakey, he is not going to get you back. Ashton will fight for you and you and Dean can play as much as you want. You are a big boy and big boys don't cry right?" He nodded "So wipe your tears, everything will be alright okay?"

Dean came back and whispered that he'd take care of him while me and Ashton go talk. We got up and we went to our room. I sat on the bed and he closed the door and stood there. Was he upset with me that I was going to leave? Did I fuck up this time? But I just found out and I needed time and then Dean knocked my senses back in place.

"I'm sorry," we both said at the same time then he continued, "why are you apologizing?"

"I shouldn't have left like that. We got in the car and Dean told me he heard you last night. He knew and knocked my senses back in place," I said and I looked down guilt washed over me. I'm mad but Blake is important and I know how much he would want to stay with Ashton . My own selfish reasons I would have left but what happened, happened. If I ever want to get over this then I need to face it upfront.

"I understood why you wanted to leave, I get it. I am not blaming you for wanting to leave. I should have told you when I found out and to hide it from you it wasn't the right choice and I am so sorry. I wouldn't . . . I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to be with me after finding out about it. . ." he said and looked down. I could tell he is upset and didn't want to say that but I am not leaving. Even if I had left I didn't take all of my clothes. I wasn't planning on leaving forever. Just breathe clear my head and get my emotions in check and come back to help fight for Blake along sides with Ashton.

I got up and I walked over to Ashton, "Don't," I started and I made him look at me and there were actual tears in his eyes and his cheeks were stained with tears. He cried and it was partially my fault. "I am not leaving you, I never planned on it. I wanted to leave to clear my head and pull myself together. I don't need to do that anymore. You need me right now as much as I need you. I love you and only you. I don't care if it was your brother, you had nothing to do with the accident,"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close, "I don't know what I did to deserve you but I love you so much. I don't know how I am going to win Blake but I am going to try. There is a hearing next week to see if the case can go to a trial and give me custody. If I win this. . . would you be okay becoming a mom so early? I know it will be a lot of work. But our relationship hasn't even been for a year so if you aren't ready. . ."

I rolled my eyes as I smashed my lips to his. I pulled him close as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me closer to him. We pull away and I leaned my head against his chest. "I love you Ashton . And I am more than willing to be the best mom I can be to Blake. I love him and Dean loves him as a younger brother,"

He smiled down at me and just held me as close to him as he could.

Two more chapters + Epilogue left >///< <3

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