Chapter Thirteen

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"Everything alright babe" Ashton whispered to me and held my hand in his. I smiled at him and nodded. I would be lying if I said that everything is going to be fine and that nothing bad is going to happen. I am worried if I come face to face with that man. Not of him but memories that will come back and want to protect myself. He was a careless driver, he did not pay attention to the road and was drunk. He shouldn't have been on the road in the first place.

I was spacing out thinking about the situation and what I was going to do. I blinked a couple of times and brought myself back to reality. Everyone was done eating and I took everyones dishes to go clean up.

"Oh honey, you don't have to do the dishes. I'll deal with them later," Bella Ashton's mom, told me and gave me a sweet smile. I wanted to ask about Caleb but I think it's best I hear it from Ashton. "I am assuming you and Ashton are still doing well?"

I smiled and thought about me and Ashton, we have had the best few months. He is so nice and he's not the person people presume him to be. He made my life a whole lot better, he makes me feel wanted and helped me move on from my past. He made me learn that the incident is not my fault and that it could have been anyone driving and it still would have happen.

"Yes Mrs. Williams, everything is well between your son and I. I believe that he is a bit too good for me," I said and I look back to see Ashton talking with Blake, Dean and his father all laughing. That scene made a huge smile grow on my face. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a chuckle

"Please Aubrey call me Bella, you are now family so no need for the formality around us. You are like the daughter that I never had," She told me with a smile and pulling me in for a hug.

"Bella, you are like my second mother. Since I have been here you've been nothing but kind to me. Well maybe the first time we met it was a rough patch however I don't blame you for that. You're his mother it's only natural to react like that," I told her and I smiled. It is true when my parents aren't here they've been like a second family to me. Ashton has an amazing family.

We went back to the other room and I sat next to Ashton , he pulled me next to him and kept me close. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we continued the conversation with his family. Blake and Dean we talking and getting along, Dean takes care of Blake when me and Ashton can't. I think deep down Dean believes it's like taking care of Tara because she was so young as well. This is the life that I have been waiting for. The thought of the person who caused the crash was wiped from my mind for now.

"Hey Princess, want to go outside with me for a little bit? Mom and Dad are going to take the boys out for Ice Cream," he said and I playfully pouted, "Whats the pout for?"

"I want Ice Cweam too hmph," I crossed my arms and pouted dramatically. It caused everyone to laugh at my reaction which put a smile on mine knowing I got everyone to laugh.

"I promise after I'll take you to get Ice Cream," he laughed and I jumped up saying 'Okay!'

Me and Ashton went to the back yard sitting on the bench in front of his mother's garden. The others went to get Ice Cream as Ashton had said. I was wondering why he wanted to talk but I didn't mind as long as I got to spend time with him. He held my hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand. I looked at him and he was just looking out at the garden.

"Hey Ashton, are you okay?" I asked him, I was worried about him.
"Everything is fine Princess, I just wanted to spend some alone time with you. My parents said they wanted to take the boys out," he told me and placed a gentle kiss to the side of my head. I placed my head against his shoulder once again and he wrapped his arm around me. "The next few weeks might be stressful, I'm going to have to work a lot,"

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