Chapter Seventeen

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*Ashton's POV*

I went over to Aubrey and pulled her into my embrace and she was shaking. I had to get her out of here so without saying anything I lead her outside. I got inside the car and I told Florence to told him to drive us home.

"A-Ash, she knows about my s-sister..." she shakily said and I rubbed her back kissing her forehead.

"I know she did her research... Don't worry I will deal with it." I told her

When we got back I carried her to our room and picked out one of my shirts and gave it to her. Kylie and Brandon had left as we arrived I told them briefly what happened and they didn't want to leave but I told them it was best if they did. After they left I went out to my office to make a phone call.
"Hey? Are you guys okay," Jacob said on the other line

"Aubrey is shaken up a bit, look can you do me a favour?" I asked him and he said 'anything, you name it' "I need you to do your research on my brother and find out where he is"

"Sure man, I got your back. Do you want me to do anything on Abigail? I can easily ruin her reputation," he said and I thought about it and personally I wouldn't mind if he did but thinking about Aubrey she wouldn't like the idea.

"No, Aubrey would kill me if you did it and I told you to. I'll deal with her on my own," I told him and I got an incoming call from my mom, "I have to go my mother is calling,"

I hung up and answered my moms call, "Mom?"

"Sweetheart! Are you and Aubrey okay? I am so sorry to have brought Abigail into your life! If I knew she was this evil I would have gotten her fired from her job," my mom ranted and I sighed

"It's okay mother, I am fine however, I don't know about Aubrey. Caleb was the cause of her sister's death mom... My own brother... I knew he had drinking problems but I didn't know he would be that stupid to drive and make the same mistake! Mom this is the second time and it was Aubrey's family... I don't know how to tell her.. She'll see me differently that I'm connected to her past. She'll leave me..." I said and I started to cry.
"Sweetheart, I want you to take a breath in and out. It is not your fault about Aubrey's past okay? It is Caleb's, we should have been better parents and not let him get to this stage. We thought he was okay, and when we heard he was going to jail.. we knew that he was not okay. I didn't know it was Aubrey and her sister in that accident, you guys just stay strong. If we come face to face with Caleb me and dad will talk to him. What he did is unacceptable," she told me and the later said to go comfort Aubrey. I cleaned myself up and went up to our room to see her on the bed shaking. I quickly changed into my white shirt and a pair of boxers then crawled into bed pulling her close to me.

"Ashton, what if I come face to face with the person from my accident?" She whispers, I tensed up a bit and looked down at her.

"You'll be okay, I am right here next to you. He won't hurt you again I'll make sure of it. Now, get some rest," I told her and held her in my arms. Tonight was sure of a crazy night.


I woke up and I was all tangled up with a sleeping Aubrey. She looked adorable when she sleeps. I ran my hand through her hair admiring how cute she is. Last night was eventful, she went through a lot. I swear I am going to get back at Abigail for all of this. Knowing her and how much she wants to get back at me for canceling our engagement she is probably going to tell Caleb where we live. I'm not only scared for Aubrey but for Blake as well. Living with Caleb is not an option for Blake. I won't let him live there. I am more of a father to him than Caleb is.

There was movement and Aubrey was waking up. She looked around for a moment and groaned, "I hate mornings, SHIT WORK! Wait it's Saturday,"

I chuckled at that and ran my hand through her hair once more. "Good morning Princess," I said with a big smile on my face.

She buried her head into my chest and mumbled, "Good morning Ash,"

"Good morning Princess, how are you feeling?" I asked her as I leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead.

"I am alright Ash, I have never been so happy for it to be Saturday. I just want to lie here and do absolutely nothing and try to forget about yesterday," she told me and I smiled at her.

"Whatever you want Princess. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her and she put her thinking face on. Which I will tell you is absolutely adorable when she makes that face.

"Could we have pancakes?" She asked me and I chuckled. I knew she would want that she loves pancakes.
I started to prepare the pancakes as she sat down at the island to watch me. She looks so good in my clothes. I have to do some work later finishing up some deals and figuring out what I'm going to do with Caleb. I'm waiting for Jacob to text me back and I'm sure he already did. But making sure that Aubrey is okay is far more important.
Once I finished making her pancakes I place them in front of her. She gave me a smile and looked excited to eat them. After a long night like last night I'm sure she is starving. I placed the plate in front of her and she started to eat. I chuckled as I looked at how cute she looked while eating them. She looked up and gave me a confused look.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked me while shoving another piece of pancake in her mouth.

"You just look so cute right now," I replied and she blushed.

"shut up" she murmured. I chuckle again and walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I got some work I have to get done and then we can cuddle and watch movies all night," I told her and she frowned

"But it's Saturday? Do you need any help?" She asked me and got up and brought her empty plate to the sink and cleaned it.

"No, you just rest up alright? Destress yourself alright?" I tell her and she came and hugged me and I chuckle. I wrap my arms around her and kissed her head

"I'm recharging, you can't go anywhere," she pouted and I was in awe.

"You just woke up princess," I chuckle

"And? Now you want to leave me to go to work? Fine, go" she pouted and stormed off.

I shook my head and smiled. She's too cute, I go to my office and I open my computer to see a message on the screen.

"Dear Brother, I am here. A girl named Abigail told me where I can find you. I want my son back. I'm out and I'm clean -Caleb"

Fuck, she is dead she went this far. I need to do something and fast. I call my mom as fast as I could

"Mom! He's here and Abigail told him where I am!" I panicked I don't know what to do

"Calm down baby, we will figure something out" she replied

As I was going to say something to door bell rung.

"fuck he's here"

Three more chapters + Epilogue left >//<

Sorry for thy short chapter </3

hope you enjoyed <3

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