Chapter Six

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We went to the front door and he knocked, we waited for just a second then the door opened. "M. Williams, welcome home. Your parents have been expecting you," a lady said who must be one of the maids.

We went in and I took a look around and it was beautiful. Wait didn't he say he was from North Carolina? What is his parents doing here?

"Wait, Ashton didn't you say you grew up in North Carolina and then moved here?" I whispered to him and he nodded.

"My parents moved here a few years later because they missed me too much," he said with a smirk and rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Welcome, take a seat dinner will be soon," his mother came in and guided us to the dining table.

"Son, so good to have you join us," he said and gave Ashton a hug. "and who is this fine lady here with us?"

"I'm Aubrey, Aubrey Cooper. Nice to meet you Mr. Williams, I'm your son's PA. Mrs. Williams invited me to dinner tonight." I said and gave him a smile.

"Nice to meet you as well Aubrey, please call me Trevor," he replied and gave me a smile.

Mrs. Williams came in with dinner, it was lasagna. It was quite delicious.

"So Aubrey, I want the truth. Is it you that convinced my son to break his engagement to Abigail?" She asked. Being very blunt.

"Mother!" Ashton yelled and he doesn't look happy, "She is not the cause, well maybe a part of it. I never wanted an arrange marriage! You should have trust in me to find the right person for me when the time came. Abigail is just someone who wants my money,"

"He has a point darling, you shouldn't have married him off to someone," Mr. Williams said and I gulped this isn't good.

"I don't like you, you are not good for my son. If I were him I'd fire you, you came in between my family. I hope you weren't expecting me to like you," she glared at me. I looked down and I felt ashamed and bad that I came between their family. I had a feeling this night wasn't going to go to well. Not to mention my head hurts a bit from early. I honestly didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry you feel like that Mrs. Williams, I'm sorry that you don't like me. I'm sorry that you blame me. I should go home and I'll quit, I don't want to be any trouble or come between you guys. Have a good night," I told them and got up getting ready to leave.

Ashton looked confused and then angry. He was yelling something at his parents and was about to come to me. When I got to the front door I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see Mrs. Williams with a smile on her face.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry to scare you like that and make you feel bad. To be honest I'm happy he broke his engagement off. I only did it because I thought there was no hope for him. I see something in you that sparkles. You'll be great for my son, to be clear I do like you. I wanted to see what your intentions were. It was wrong of me to do that. I hope you can forgive me. I can see that you would do anything for Ashton to make sure he has a good relationship between his family. You're a good person Aubrey Cooper and you have my approval," she told me smiling.

"I appreciate it, but me and Ashton are just work employee and employer. Nothing more nothing less," I told her and she shook her head.

"You may not see it but he likes you, I know my son. If you care about him, let him know and please call me Bella," she told me and I nodded.

I go back to the dining room and I take a look at Ashton who is looking down. His eyes held anger and sadness and I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and when he saw me he looked shocked. He stood up and pulled me into his arms.

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