Chapter Eight

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The next morning I got up and did my morning routine. I woke Dean up and we headed off to school and work. I said my goodbye Florence drove me to work.

"You know M. Williams will not be happy to see you at work Ms. Cooper. He wanted you to rest at home," he told me but I shook my head.

"I can't stay home when I have a job to do. Plus I am fine I feel fine," I said and with that we continued our way to work.

When I got there I went to get a coffee and brought it to Ashton . When I opened his door he looked frustrated. He looked up and his eyes darkened and this was not a good thing.

"Aubrey what the fuck are you doing here?! I told you to stay home and rest! You were in an accident just 2 days ago!" He yelled at me and I flinched. I placed the coffee on his table and moved back. He got up and walked closer to me but I just backed away from him. His eyes softened up and he sighed. "I am sorry for yelling, I am just frustrated with work,"

"I-its okay Ashton , let me help you please. I feel fine and I want to work, please let me stay?" I begged and he sighed and nodded.

"Fine but you stay in my office so I can watch you to see if you are in any sort of pain," he says and I nodded and sat in front of his desk and he then moved me to sit next to him.

We worked on contracts and organizing paper for a while and he squeezes my thigh occasionally. It felt nice to work next to him and build on our relationship. I know that he was mad at me for coming to work but I couldn't just sit at home and do nothing. My ribs are a bit sore right now but I try to hide it. There was a knock at the door and Ashton tells them to come in.

"You were in a car accident and you didn't bother to tell us?! Is what we heard true?!" Makenzie and Drew come in and glaring at me and I put my head down. With all that happen I forgot to tell my two best friends.

"Yes, I was in a car accident and I am sorry for not telling you," I tell them and I got up and slightly wince from my ribs but I walk over to them.

"You're forgiven but next time tell us," Drew said and wrapped his arms around me and so did Makenzie. "Would you wanna tell me why our boss is glaring daggers into me?" Drew whispered in my ear and I chuckled.

I pull back from the hug and look behind me and there was Ashton who did not look so happy. "Oh he's just moody, he probably didn't get enough sleep and stress from work," I shrugged and mentally laugh. Ashton then glared at me and then his eyes held sadness and hurt.

"You sure it's only that Aubrey?" Drew asked raising an eyebrow. And I shook my head and laugh.

"Aubrey we have work to do and I need some alone time so if you don't mind going to your own office," Ashton said with a straight face and I looked down. I don't want to come out and say it because I am afraid of what they might think. They are my closest friends here and it is inappropriate for us to be dating.

With that I nodded and I walked out with Drew and Mac. I headed to my office and continued to my work. Drew and Mac were worried about me and checked on me every now and then. I started to feel some kind of pain in my ribs so I decided to lay flat on the ground.

I don't understand why Ashton is upset with me. Was it because I didn't tell them we were together? I feel bad and guilty but I don't know what to do. He should just talk to me if he is upset with me.

I was caught out of my thoughts when I heard my door office opened. I didn't move though, I was comfy and I just wanted to lay down.

"Aubrey? Are you in here?" I heard a males voice and I automatically knew it was Ashton. I didn't respond because I was now upset with him that he kicked me out without reason.

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