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It's been a couple of months since I went to see my little sister. It was nice seeing her and telling her about Ashton . He has been by my side through everything. Work has been quite hectic since we are in the middle of a business deal. We haven't stopped working and Ashton felt bad we didn't get to spend a lot of time together so tonight he is taking me on a date.
     I was excited and it was a Saturday so no work. Kylie and Makenzie came over to help me get ready. They were taking forever doing my hair and doing my makeup. It was just a simple date but it was as if there was some big plan that was going to happen. They were giggling and we were having fun blasting music.

    Kylie and Brandon are doing well, they love each other dearly. Their daily bickering is quite entertaining. If you didn't know that they were dating you'd think that they hate each other. It is quite funny. As for Mackenzie and Drew, they hit it off quite well. You can tell that they are happy with each other. I have the greatest friends really. I love how they just come over sometimes and kick Ashton out and we would have a girls night. We'd send Drew and Brandon with him of course so he's not alone. Ashton never likes those nights and comes back grumbling about how he got kicked out of his own house. His parents when they found out about that couldn't stop laughing.

    As for Caleb, a couple months after the trial he became sober. He got the help he needed and he always apologizes to me but it's time we all move on. Blake forgave him for missing out on half his life. We see him ever so often when he comes to visit Blake. We are slowly trusting Caleb more and more as he progresses to become a better father figure. Life itself is going pretty great now. I have the love of my life, my family and great friends. I couldn't ask for more than this.

    As time flew by it was time for our date and I went downstairs. I saw Ashton standing at the end of stairs with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I walked down and I saw his face, he was stunned. I blushed as I saw him in a nice black suit. I have a thing for men in suits I swear.

"You ready to go my love?" He asked and I nodded giving him a smile. "We will be back later, we shouldn't be too late. Thank you again for babysitting Blake,"

"No problem! Take your time, there is no rush we love the little guy!" Kylie said and gave him a wink.

    Ashton grabbed my waist and we headed for the car. We got in and drove for a while till he pulled over and told me to wear a blindfold. I hesitated but put the blindfold on. "You aren't going to kill me right? I didn't get to say bye to my loved ones." I pouted and he chuckled

"No love, I am not going to kill you. I love you too much to do so," he chuckled again and I joined him. It's fun being able to joke around with him and not worry about watching what I say. He gets me and my sense of humour. I really do love him with my whole heart.

    It's been a while since we've been driving and I've became more impatient as the time past bye. It felt like its been hours especially since I am blindfolded. "Are we there yet?" I whine as if I'm a child.

"Soon just be patient princess," I said I huffed. A little while later the car had stopped and I heard Ashton get out of the car. I went to try to find the handle but I couldn't see because of being blind due to the blindfold. Suddenly my door was pulled open and I felt Ashton's breath near my face. I heard a click which was probably my seatbelt.

    He helped me out of the car and pulled me to an area where we stopped. The blindfold dropped and I blinked a couple of time adjusting to the light. We were in the woods and there's a table set up with pretty lights set around us. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Did you do this?" I asked and he nodded giving me a smile. He brought me over to the table and he pulled the chair out for me. "Thank you,"

"How has your day been, my love?" He asked as he was pouring me some wine

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