Chapter Seven

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Ashton 's POV

I pressed down on the breaks and swerved. We crashed into a tree instead of the car. I blinked a couple of times but I see Aubrey and her eyes were closed. I checked for a pulse and there was a small one which meant she's still alive.

"Aubrey? I'm so sorry," I said and I got out and limped to her side and got her out. I had a couple of scratches but I needed to make sure she was okay.

An ambulance came and took her away and I rode in the back with them. I refused treatment and made sure that she was okay. Whoever was driving was going to pay for what they did. Aubrey is going to be okay she has too. When we arrived to the hospital she was taken away to get treated. I sat in the waiting room and texted Florence my driver to bring the kids.

A little while later Dean came running in, tears were in his eyes. He was crying and shaking.

"What did you do?! How could you let her be in another accident?!" He yelled at me crying. What did he mean another?

"Dean, I am so sorry. The guy came out of no where. She is going to be okay, she is strong," I told him and hugged him and he clutched onto me.

"Aubrey Cooper?" A doctor came in and asked and we all stood up and went to him. "How is she doc?" I asked

"She is going to be okay, minor injuries nothing to worry about. She has some fractured ribs and a minor concussion," he told us and we all sighed in relief

"Can we go see her? Is she awake?" Dean asked and the doctor nodded and took us to see her. She was still asleep and had wires connected to her.

"You have to get better Aubrey, I need you and I can't lose you. I am sorry you have to suffer something like this again. No one was killed this time Aubrey, I love you big sister," Dean said and held her hand. I went to the other side and held her other hand.
"I am so sorry Princess, I should have been more careful. Please be okay, it's okay to hate me and never speak to me again but you need to be okay," I said and kissed her hand. Dean looked up at me with teary eyes.
"She is never going to leave you Ashton , she likes you too much. You may not believe me but she does need you more than she may think," he tells me

"Y-you both are idiots. I am not dying," we hear and look down to see Aubrey waking up.

"Aubrey!" Dean yells and wraps her in a hug and she kissed his head.

"I'm right here bud, don't worry I'm okay," She tells him and then looks to me.

"I-I'm so sorry Aubrey," is all I could get out and she shook her head.

"It is not your fault, don't worry about it. However, there is going to be consequences to this accident. I need to tell you something," she says and Dean shot up.
"Aubrey? Are you ready for that?" Dean asked her and she nodded looking down closing her eyes and a tear dropped down.

"Princess? You don't have to," I wiped her tears away and she shook her head.

Dean whispered to the others and headed out the door. Before Florence and Blake said something, "Glad you are okay Aubrey," with that they left us alone.

Aubrey's POV

That day crashed back to me giving me horrifying images in my head. I was in another accident and it brought that day back to me. Luckily I had Ashton with me and I scooted over for him to lay next to me. I laid my head on his chest.

I took a breath in before I told my story, "When I was 20 I was driving somewhere and I had my little sister with me. Her name was Tara and she was 7 at the time. We used to have tea parties every Tuesday in her room. We had a great bond and I loved her. However, when we were out a drunk driver came out of no where and we crashed into them," I said and closed my eyes and he rubbed my shoulder, "I was okay b-but she died on impact. It was my fault, if I just been more careful or told her not to come with she would still be okay. That is why I moved here. After 3 years without her and it was still hard to be there where everything was a memory of her. It was time I told you because you deserved to know. That is why I kept zoning out or having nightmares. It was always of that night."

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