Chapter Five

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I opened my eyes to see Ashton with worried eyes and Dean on the other side of me.

"Dean..." I whispered out and he held my hand and he had tears in his eyes.

"It's not your fault Aubrey, when are you going to forgive yourself?" He asked and I looked away. I don't know if I'll ever be ready to forgive myself. The words in my dreams they're true if I was being careful Tara would be here right now.

"What ever it is Aubrey, It is going to be alright," Ashton said and I looked at him and I sighed.

"I'm sorry for waking both of you up. I'm okay it was just a nightmare. Dean I'll be okay we will talk about this after school tomorrow alright? Now go back to sleep," I said and he sighed and nodded. Once he was out of my room I look back at Ashton .

"Are you sure you are okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I don't want to put this burden on him.
"I am sure, I don't think I am ready to talk about it," I told him and he nodded and laid back down. I turned my head and looked at him, my feelings for him needs to go away. He's in an arranged marriage which means he is taken and I will not be in the way.

I turn away and lay on my side opposite to him. I felt an arm wrap around me which can only belong to Ashton . This feels wrong why is he doing this when he is suppose to get married? I mentally sigh and ended up falling asleep again.


My alarm went off and I woke up. I tried to get up but something was keeping me down. I look down and I see an arm that is wrapped around me. It then dawns on me that Ashton slept in the same bed as me.

"Good morning," I heard a husky voice. His morning voice is hot.

"Good morning," I replied and he lifted his arm so I could get up.

I got up and I went to the bathroom and got dressed for work. I walked out and went downstairs to see everyone eating cereal for breakfast.

Dean got up and hugged me. I hugged him back. After we ate we left and we dropped the boys at school and me and Ashton headed off to work.

Once we got there I went to the break room to get Ashton another coffee since I know he'll need one. I see Makenzie and Drew and I went over to them.

"Good morning, fellow workers," I said and they both laughed.

"Good morning to you too, making coffee for M. Williams?" Makenzie asked and I nodded. I don't want to tell them about him sleeping at my place because it is not professional.

"Want to get lunch together today?" I asked and they both yelled yes.

I finished making the coffee and it felt nice to have some new friends. I walked out of the break room and I headed off to M. Williams's office to give him his coffee. This time I knocked before I walked in. I heard him say "Come in,"

When I walked in a saw a different lady this time she looked older could be his mother. "Good morning sir, I have your coffee," is all I said to him.

"Thank you, mother this is my personal assistant Aubrey Cooper. Aubrey, this is my mother," he introduced us and I looked at her figure. She was a beautiful woman. She had nice curly brown hair with brown eyes. I see where he got his eyes. She was around maybe 5"8'.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Cooper," I said putting my hand out to shake hers.

"Is she the reason you want to call off your engagement to Abigail?" She asked and I stood there in shock. He wanted to call off his engagement? I mean I get it was arranged and all but still... I don't want to be the reason.

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