Chapter Three

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'Hey sir, I just want to inform you that I will be back tomorrow. I am going to see if I can get a flight back tonight and then I will be at work tomorrow.' I tell him and he, once again said he'd send his private jet to pick me up.

'Also my brother is going to come live with me so I can watch him. He needs time away like I do and he will be going to school in Florida.'

'That is quite alright, I will be waiting to see you in my office tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock sharp. If there is a problem call me I will tell Maya to text you my number. If anything pops up with you or your brother I can send someone to help pick you up and drive you somewhere you need.' He tells me and we hung up. So now that is all cleared up I decide to go check up on Dean. He is almost all packed and I help him get his stuff together. Mom and dad said that they would pay for his education and we found one that is not too far from my apartment so if I get stuck he is able to walk back home.

A couple hours later we go to the airport and we head to the private jet that is waiting for us and Dean seems so excited to go. We said our goodbyes to Mom and dad. We headed onto the jet and we head on our way to Florida. After a while we get there and I shake Dean to wake him up. We get out and there is a person who's holding a board with our last name and we walk up to him.

"Aubrey and Dean Cooper?" He asked

"That is us," I told him and he nodded

"I am here on behalf of M. Williams and I will be driving you home and your personal driver. My name is Chris Florence," he said and we shook hands and we were off to my apartment. He looked around 35 years old and he's working for M. Williams. He seems like a nice guy and someone who's easy to get along with. When we got to our apartment we said thank you and went inside. I got Dean settled in and I thought it would be a good idea to go to the diner for dinner.

We walked down to the diner and took a seat at the booth. Dean was looking at what to order and he had the biggest smile on his face. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. I remember when we were little we played hide and seek and every time we found each other we'd chase each other around.

"Can I get the chicken strips with fries with a coke?" He asked me and I nodded. I looked down and I think I'm going to get the fried shrimp and rice. I look up and I see Ashton walk into the diner. What's he doing here?

I look down in hope maybe he wouldn't see me.

"Aubrey, there is someone who's walking over to us," I hear Dean say and I whispered a slight 'shit okay'

"That's my boss," I told him and he nodded

"Hey Aubrey and you must be her brother," Ashton said with a smile and I looked towards Dean who smiled at him.

"Hello M. uhm," Dean started and I chuckled I forgot he doesn't know who he is. So, I whispered his last name 'Williams'. "Hello M. Williams, it's nice to meet you I'm Dean Cooper, Aubrey's younger brother,"

"Nice to meet you Dean, please call me Ashton. No need for formality here," he said and Dean smile grew even bigger if that was even possible.

"Would you like to sit and have dinner with us?" Dean asked and I shook my head. Dean was always so polite but also very open and not shy what so ever. I love him so much.

"If that is alright with Aubrey. Though I remember her saying if we saw each other again she'd take me out for dinner," he said and I blushed. I forgot that I said that. And Dean looked at me with a questionable look. He lightly kicked my leg underneath the table. I glared at him for a moment before looking back at Ashton .

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